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Issues 35 | Volume 19, Numbers 1
- Cover page.
Download: PDF - Coloration and Crypsis in a Pelagic Sea Snake. Harvey B. Lillywhite. Pages 1–10 (e338).
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Issues 34 & 35 | Volume 18, Numbers 1 & 2
- Cover Page.
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Download: PDF, page i - Conservation status, range extension, and call analysis of the Littoral Glassfrog, Cochranella litoralis (Ruiz-Carranza and Lynch 1996). Ross J. Maynard, José Tinajero-Romero, Sebastian Kohn, Christophe Pellet, Jaime Culebras. Pages 1–9 (e329).
Download: PDF, 2.13 MB - Evaluation of p-Chip microtransponder tags on small-bodied salamanders (Eurycea spp.). Desiree M. Moore, Madeleine S. Gillis, Thomas S. Funk. Pages 10–19 (e330).
Download: PDF, 1.36 MB - The herpetofauna of Copia Nature Reserve, Vietnam. Anh Van Pham, Truong Quang Nguyen, Tao Thien Nguyen, Minh Duc Le, Thomas Ziegler, Cuong Thien Tran. Pages 20–47 (e331).
Download: PDF, 10.1 MB - The methodology for rearing the Fire-bellied Toad (Bombina bombina) from protected, small, isolated (but degraded) habitats in its northern distribution range. Kristė Stravinskaitė, Rasa Jautakienė, Inga Čitavičienė, Alma Pikūnienė, Gintarė Stankevičė, Vytautas Rakauskas. Pages 47–57 (e332).
Download: PDF, 1.66 MB - A new species of Sipo Snake, Chironius (Serpentes: Colubridae), from the Yungas of Bolivia. Oliver Quinteros-Muñoz, Pedro Gómez-Murillo, Teresa Camacho-Badani, Rodrigo Aguayo, Rene Carpio-Real, Edson Pérez, Bladimir Marca, Lucindo Gonzales, Omar Torres-Carvajal. Pages 58–67 (e333).
Download: PDF, 3.57 MB - Reproductive ecology, free-swimming tadpoles, and natural history of the Santa Marta Rocket Frog “Colostethus” ruthveni Kaplan, 1997 (Anura: Dendrobatidae), with a review of the distribution of larval and reproductive characters in Dendrobatoidea. Fredy Polo-Córdoba, Katherin Linares-Vargas, Andrés Camilo Montes-Correa, Juan David Jiménez-Bolaño, Liliana Saboyá-Acosta, Hernán Granda-Rodríguez. Pages 68–90 (e334).
Download: PDF, 2.95 MB | Supplementary materal (Tables), 63.6 KB | Supplementary materal (Trees), 1.26 MB | Supplementary materal (Video), 76.9 KB - Reptiles of the King Abdulaziz Royal Nature Reserve, east-central Saudi Arabia: Insights and conservation implications. Ryan van Huyssteen, Melissa A. Petford, Marius Burger, Jiří Šmíd, Abdulrahaman S. Alzahrani, Abdullah M. Alowaifeer, Phoebe Mottram, Jerome Y. Gaugris. Pages 91–106 (e335).
Download: PDF, 13.6 MB - The herpetofauna of Chihuahua, Mexico: composition, distribution, and conservation status. Ana B. Gatica-Colima, Louis W. Porras, Vicente Mata-Silva, Dominic L. DeSantis, Arturo Rocha, Jerry D. Johnson, Larry David Wilson. Pages 107–186 (e336).
Download: PDF, 37.3 MB - Conseravation status of Sceloporus lizards. Brenda Díaz-Cárdenas, Gamaliel Castañeda-Gaytán, Tania Pérez-Fiol, Javier Banda-Leal, Abraham Sánchez-Romero, Geoffrey R. Smith, Héctor Gadsden. Pages 187–199 (e337).
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Issues 32 & 33 | Volume 17, Numbers 1 & 2
- Cover Page.
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Download: PDF, page i - A new species of salamander (Caudata: Plethodontidae: Bolitoglossa) from the subalpine rain páramo of the Cordillera de Talamanca, Costa Rica. Erick Arias, Gerardo Chaves, Gabriela Parra-Olea. General Section: pages 143–160 (e327).
Download: PDF, 4.03 MB - Two new species of gymnophthalmid lizards of the genus Petracola (Squamata: Cercosaurinae) from the Andes of northeastern Peru, and their phylogenetic relationships. Luis Mamani, Víctor J. Vargas, Juan C. Chaparro, Alessandro Catenazzi. Taxonomy Section: pages 161–173 (e328).
Download: PDF, 4.87 MB | Supplemental Table S1 - An annotated checklist of the herpetofauna of the Sibiloi National Park in northern Kenya based on field surveys. Sebastian Kirchhof, Victor Wasonga, Tomáš Mazuch, Stephen Spawls, Patrick Kinyatta Malonza. General Section: pages 1–18 (e324).
Download: PDF, 5.91 MB - Contributions to the herpetofauna of the Angolan Okavango-Cuando-Zambezi river drainages. Part 3: Amphibians. Werner Conradie, Chad Keates, Luke Verburgt, Ninda L. Baptista, James Harvey. General Section: pages 19–56 (e325).
Download: PDF, 19.50 MB - The herpetofauna of the Baja California Peninsula and its adjacent islands, Mexico: composition, distribution, and conservation status. Anny Peralta-García, Jorge H. Valdez-Villavicencio, Lydia Allison Fucsko, Bradford D. Hollingsworth, Jerry D. Johnson, Vicente Mata-Silva, Arturo Rocha, Dominic L. DeSantis, Louis W. Porras, Larry David Wilson. General Section: pages 57–142 (e326).
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Issue 1 (No. 31) | Volume 16, Number 1
- Cover Page.
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Download: PDF, page i - The anuran fauna in a protected West African rainforest and surrounding agricultural systems. Konan Hervé Oussou, N’Guessan Emmanuel Assemian, Atta Léonard Kouadio, Manouhin Roland Tiédoué, Mark-Oliver Rödel. General Section: pages 1–13 (e298).
Download: PDF, 4.54 MB - Thermal ecology of the Pygmy Alligator Lizard, Gerrhonotus parvus Knight and Scudday, 1985 (Squamata: Anguidae), in Nuevo Léon, Mexico. David Lazcano, Javier Banda-Leal, Héctor Gadsden-Esparza, Gamaliel Castañeda-Gaytán, Sandra Cecilia Hernández-Bocardo. General Section: pages 14–24 (e299).
Download: PDF, 1.96 MB - Temperature-based activity estimation accurately predicts surface activity, but not microhabitat use, in the Endangered heliothermic lizard Gambelia sila. Kathleen N. Ivey, Margaret B. Cornwall, Nicole Gaudenti, Paul H. Maier, Nargol Ghazian, Malory Owen, Emmeleia Nix, Mario Zuliani, Christopher J. Lortie, Michael F. Westphal, Emily N. Taylor. General Section: pages 25–34 (e300).
Download: PDF, 1.28 MB - Amphibians of Kokolopori: an introduction to the amphibian fauna of the Central Congolian Lowland Forests, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Gabriel Badjedjea, Franck M. Masudi, Benjamin Dudu Akaibe, Václav Gvoždík. General Section: pages 35–70 (e301).
Download: PDF, 14.9 MB - Sex hormones in the Axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum: potential method for sex determination. Isabel A. Veith, Chester R. Figiel, Jr. General Section: pages 71–75 (e302).
Download: PDF, 727 KB - Climate change and the fate of endemic Beyşehir Frog, Pelophylax caralitanus. Akın Kıraç, Müge Gidiş, Ahmet Mert, Eyup Başkale. General Section: pages 76–85 (e303).
Download: PDF, 3.74 MB - Modifcation of a Water Hyacinth sieve and description of Hubbard rakes for sampling small aquatic salamanders. Zachary C. Adcock, Michelle E. Adcock, Bruce E. Hall, Michael R.J. Forstner. General Section: pages 86–93 (e304).
Download: PDF, 6.53 MB - Distribution and habitat suitability of two neighboring Lycian salamanders. Ömer Dilbe, Akın Kıraç, Eyup Başkale. General Section: pages 94–105 (e305).
Download: PDF, 4.36 MB - Turtles of Colombia: an annotated analysis of their diversity, distribution, and conservation status. Vivian P. Páez, Brian C. Bock, Diego A. Alzate-Estrada, Karla G. Barrientos-Muñoz, Viviana M. Cartagena-Otálvaro, Andrea Echeverry-Alcendra, Marley T. Gómez-Rincón, Cristian Ramírez-Gallego, Jennifer Sofía del Río, Margarita M. Vallejo-Betancur. General Section: pages 106–135 (e306).
Download: PDF, 3.37 MB - Distribution range expansion of Salamandra infraimmaculata Martens, 1885 (Caudata: Salamandridae) in Anatolia, Turkey, with a new locality record. Kamil Candan. General Section: pages 136–147 (e307).
Download: PDF, 4.89 MB - The herpetofauna of Querétaro, Mexico: composition, distribution, and conservation status. Raciel Cruz-Elizalde, Aurelio Ramírez-Bautista, Rubén Pineda-López, Vicente Mata-Silva, Dominic L. DeSantis, Elí García-Padilla, Jerry D. Johnson, Arturo Rocha, Lydia Allison Fucsko, Larry David Wilson. General Section: pages 148–192 (e308).
Download: PDF, 14.20 MB - Do observed sex ratios in a turtle community in northern Indiana vary over 35 years (1979–2014)? Geoffrey R. Smith, John B. Iverson, Jessica E. Rettig. General Section: pages 193–202 (e309).
Download: PDF, 1.15 MB - Environmental heterogeneity causes differences in the amphibian assemblage structure of an undisturbed montane cloud forest in southern Mexico. Carlos Omar Becerra-Soria, Eduardo Pineda, Gabriela Parra-Olea, Omar Hernández-Ordoñez. General Section: pages 203–225 (e310).
Download: PDF, 3.63 MB - Species diversity, composition, and distribution of the herpetofauna in the Northwestern Region of Bangladesh. Md. Fazle Rabbe, M. Firoj Jaman, Md. Mahabub Alam, Md. Mokhlesur Rahman, Mohammad Abdur Razzaque Sarker. General Section: pages 226–234 (e311).
Download: PDF, 2.04 MB - Geographical and elevational distributions of the Blackbreasted Leaf Turtle, Geoemyda spengleri (Gmelin, 1789) (Testudines: Geoemydidae). Jeffrey E. Dawson, Daniel Gaillard, Shiping Gong, Liu Lin, Timothy E.M. McCormack, Chanthalaphone Nanthavong, Thang Tai Nguyen, Truong Quang Nguyen, Thong Van Pham, Haitao Shi. General Section: pages 235–244 (e312).
Download: PDF, 1.87 MB - Amphibian cell lines: Usable tissue types and differences between individuals within a species. Julie Strand, Henrik Callesen, Cino Pertoldi, Stig Purup. General Section: pages 245–256 (e313).
Download: PDF, 2.31 MB - Tadpole assemblage in temporary ponds in southern Piauí, Brazil. Mauro Sérgio Cruz Souza Lima, Jonas Pederassi, Carlos Alberto dos Santos Souza. General Section: pages 257–264 (e314).
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Issue 2 (No. 32) | Volume 16, Number 2
- Cover Page.
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Download: PDF, page i - Out of the Past: A new species of Tantilla of the calamarina group (Squamata: Colubridae) from southeastern coastal Guerrero, Mexico, with comments on relationships among members of the group. Ricardo Palacios-Aguilar, Lydia Allison Fucsko, Víctor H. Jiménez-Arcos, Larry David Wilson, Vicente Mata-Silva. Taxonomic Section: pages 120–132 (e320).
Download: PDF, 2.25 MB - The herpetofauna of Tabasco, Mexico: composition, distribution, and conservation status. Ma. del Rosario Barragán-Vázquez, Liliana Ríos-Rodas, Lydia Allison Fucsko, Louis W. Porras, Vicente Mata-Silva, Arturo Rocha, Dominic L. DeSantis, Elí García-Padilla, Jerry D. Johnson, Larry David Wilson. General Section: pages 1–61 (e315).
Download: PDF, 19.4 MB - Reproductive characteristics of the Burmese Narrow-headed Softshell Turtle, Chitra vandijki, in captivity. Hong Xiaoyou, Zhu Xinping, Chen Chen, Cai Xiaodan, Li Yongming, Li Xinping. General Section: pages 62–68 (e316).
Download: PDF, 2.52 MB - Applying population genetics to define the units for conservation management in the European Tree Frog, Hyla arborea. Astrid Krug, Jana Auffarth, Heike Pröhl. General Section: pages 69–87 (e317).
Download: PDF, 3.78 MB - New biological data for two rare reedfrog species, Hyperolius nimbae Laurent, 1958, and H. chlorosteus (Boulenger, 1915) (Anura: Hyperoliidae). Basseu Aude-Inès Gongomin, N’Goran Germain Kouamé, Konan Laurent Agoh, Kouassi Philippe Kanga, Mark-Oliver Rödel. General Section: pages 88–103 (e318).
Download: PDF, 11.00 MB - Goliath Frog (Conraua goliath) abundance in relation to frog age, habitat, and human activity. Nono LeGrand Gonwouo, Marvin Schäfer, Sedrick Junior Tsekané, Mareike Hirschfeld, F. Arnaud M. Tchassem, Mark-Oliver Rödel. General Section: pages 104–119 (e319).
Download: PDF, 4.77 MB - The herpetofauna of Guanajuato, Mexico: composition, distribution, and conservation status. Adrian Leyte-Manrique, Vicente Mata-Silva, Óscar Báez-Montes, Lydia Allison Fucsko, Dominic L. DeSantis, Elí García-Padilla, Arturo Rocha, Jerry D. Johnson, Louis W. Porras, Larry David Wilson. General Section: pages 133–180 (e321).
Download: PDF, 16.90 MB - Contributions to the herpetofauna of the Angolan Okavango-Cuando-Zambezi River drainages. Part 2: Lizards (Sauria), chelonians, and crocodiles. Werner Conradie, Chad Keates, Luke Verburgt, Ninda L. Baptista, James Harvey, Timóteo Júlio, Götz Neef. General Section: pages 181–214 (e322).
Download: PDF, 24.60 MB - The herpetofauna of Xuan Nha Nature Reserve, Vietnam. Anh Van Pham, Truong Quang Nguyen, Cuong The Pham, Nenh Ba Sung, Minh Duc Le, Tao Thien Nguyen, Thomas Ziegler. General Section: pages 215–236 (e323).
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Issue 1 (No. 29) | Volume 15, Number 1
- Cover Page.
Download: PDF, 4.03 MB - Two new species of Eleutherodactylus (Anura:Eleutherodactylidae) from Southern Mexico, with comments on the taxonomy of related species and their advertisement calls. Christoph I. Grünwald, Jacobo Reyes-Velasco, Héctor Franz-Chávez, Karen I. Morales-Flores, Ivan T. Ahumada-Carrillo, Christopher M. Rodriguez, Jason M. Jones. Taxonomy Section: pages 1–35 (e272).
Download: PDF, 7.17 MB - A new species of the genus Gekko Laurenti, 1768 (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from the Nicobar Archipelago, with an overview of congeners from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. S.R. Chandramouli, G. Gokulakrishnan, C. Sivaperuman, L. Lee Grismer. Taxonomy Section: pages 108–125 (e276).
Download: PDF, 12.4 MB - The distribution and conservation status of the Dwarf Marsupial Frog (Flectonotus fitzgeraldi, Anura, Hemiphractidae) in Trinidad, Tobago, and Venezuela. Joanna Smith, Michael J. Jowers, Renoir J. Auguste, Paul Hoskisson, Cammy Beyts, Greig M. Muir, Mark S. Greener, Dan Thornham, Isabel Byrne, Rick Lehtinen, Meredith Eyre, Michael G. Rutherford, John C. Murphy, Mayke De Freitas, Gilson A. Rivas, J. Roger Downie. General Section: pages 36–56 (e273).
Download: PDF, 3.32 MB - Can artificial retreat sites help frogs recover after severe habitat devastation? Insights on the use of “coqui houses” after Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. Patricia A. Burrowes, Ábner D. Hernández-Figueroa, Gustavo D. Acevedo, Junángel Alemán-Ríos, Ana V. Longo. General Section: pages 57–70 (e274).
Download: PDF, 5.78 MB - Amphibian diversity of a West African biodiversity hotspot: an assessment and commented checklist of the batrachofauna of the Ivorian part of the Nimba Mountains. Kouassi Philippe Kanga, N’Goran Germain Kouamé, Parfait Zogbassé, Basseu Aude-Inès Gongomin, Konan Laurent Agoh, Akoua Michèle Kouamé, Jean Christophe B.Y.N. Konan, Abouo Béatrice Adepo-Gourène, Germain Gourène, Mark-Oliver Rödel. General Section: pages 71–107 (e275).
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Issue 2 (No. 30) | Volume 15, Number 2
- Cover Page.
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Download: PDF, page i - A new lizard of the Liolaemus montanus group that inhabits the hyperarid desert of southern Peru. Pablo Valladares-Faúndez, Pablo Franco León, Cesar Jove Chipana, Marco Navarro Guzmán, Javier Ignacio-Apaza, César Cáceres Musaja, Robert Langstroth, Álvaro Aguilar-Kirigin, Roberto C. Gutierrez, Cristián S. Abdala. Taxonomy Section: pages 10–22 (e278).
Download: PDF, 4.34 MB - A new species of Liolaemus (Squamata: Liolaemidae) from the Reserva Paisajística Subcuenca del Cotahuasi, southwestern Peru. Misshell D. Ubalde-Mamani, Roberto C. Gutiérrez, Juan C. Chaparro, Alvaro J. Aguilar-Kirigin, José Cerdeña, Wilson Huanca-Mamani, Stefanny Cárdenas-Ninasivincha, Ana Lazo-Rivera, Cristian S. Abdala. Taxonomy Section: pages 172–197 (e287).
Download: PDF, 15.40 MB - A new striped species of Ichthyophis Fitzinger, 1826 (Amphibia: Gymnophiona: Ichthyophiidae) from Mizoram, northeast India. Hmar Tlawmte Lalremsanga, Jayaditya Purkayastha, Lal Biakzuala, Mathipi Vabeiryureilai, Lal Muansanga, Gospel Zothanmawia Hmar. Taxonomy Section: pages 198–209 (e288).
Download: PDF, 5.57 MB - A new species of Geophis (Dipsadidae) from Veracruz, Mexico, with comments on the validity of related taxa. Christoph I. Grünwald, Iván T. Ahumada-Carrillo, André J. Grünwald, Carlos E. Montaño-Ruvalcaba, Uri O. García-Vázquez. Taxonomy Section: pages 289–310 (e294).
Download: PDF, 14.10 MB - Abundance and microhabitat use of the Endangered toad Rhinella yanachaga (Anura: Bufonidae) in the cloud forest of Yanachaga Chemillén National Park, Peru. Shirley Huamán-Trucios, Vladimir Camel, Edith Orellana Mendoza, Marcela V. Pyles, Rudolf von May. General Section: pages 1–9 (e277).
Download: PDF, 2.73 MB - New records of the Endangered Szechwan Rat Snake, Euprepiophis perlaceus (Stejneger, 1929) (Squamata: Colubridae: Coronellini), from Shaanxi, China. Shi-Yi Tang, Chen-Liang Li, Yu-Li Li, Bao-Guo Li. General Section: pages 23–30 (e279).
Download: PDF, 3.89 MB - Description of the tadpole and natural history notes of Incilius spiculatus (Mendelson, 1997), an Endangered toad endemic to the Sierra Madre de Oaxaca, Mexico. Medardo Arreortúa, Carlos A. Flores, Pablo Rogelio Simón-Salvador, Hermes Santiago-Dionicio, Edna González-Bernal. General Section: pages 31–39 (e281).
Download: PDF, 1.62 MB - Trends in ovarian development, plasma vitellogenin, and steroid hormones in female Malaclemys terrapin (Schoepff, 1793) from coastal Louisiana. Jordan Donini, Will Selman, Steven Pearson, Roldán A. Valverde. General Section: pages 40–49 (e282).
Download: PDF, 2.73 MB - Effect of anthropogenic habitat disturbance on the nesting ecology of the Wood Turtle (Glyptemys insculpta). Alexandra Vlk, Elizabeth Bastiaans, Daniel Stich, Donna Vogler. General Section: pages 50–58 (e283).
Download: PDF, 1.00 MB - Herpetofauna of Marechal Newton Cavalcanti Instruction Center, a hotspot Atlantic Forest fragment in Pernambuco, north-eastern Brazil. Leonardo P.C. Oitaven, Danilo S. Barreto, Mariana M. de Assunção, José R. de O. Santos, Alan P. Araújo, Geraldo J.B. de Moura. General Section: pages 59–71 (e284).
Download: PDF, 15.50 MB - The herpetofauna of Veracruz, Mexico: composition, distribution, and conservation status. Lizzeth A. Torres-Hernández, Aurelio Ramírez-Bautista, Raciel Cruz-Elizalde, Uriel Hernández-Salinas, Christian Berriozabal-Islas, Dominic L. DeSantis, Jerry D. Johnson, Arturo Rocha, Elí García-Padilla, Vicente Mata-Silva, Lydia Allison Fucsko, Larry David Wilson. General Section: pages 72–155 (e285).
Download: PDF, 29.10 MB - Advertisement calls of six glassfrog species in the Colombian Andes, and comments on priorities for future research and conservation. Angela M. Mendoza-Henao, Sebastián Duarte-Marín, Marco Rada. General Section: pages 156–171 (e286).
Download: PDF, 4.18 MB - Human perceptions toward herpetofauna in northwestern Bangladesh. Md. Fazle Rabbe, M. Firoj Jaman, Md. Mahabub Alam, Md. Mokhlesur Rahman, M.A. Razzaque Sarker, Ahsan Rahman Jamee. General Section: pages 210–227 (e289).
Download: PDF, 3.17 MB - Updating the distributions of four Uruguayan hylids (Anura: Hylidae): recent expansions or lack of sampling effort?. Gabriel Laufer, Noelia Gobel, Nadia Kacevas, Ignacio Lado, Sofía Cortizas, Magdalena Carabio, Diego Arrieta, Carlos Prigioni, Claudio Borteiro, Francisco Kolenc. General Section: pages 228–237 (e290).
Download: PDF, 1.32 MB - Rapid endangerment of the lizard Podarcis pityusensis by an invasive snake demands an immediate conservation response. Elba Montes, Juan M. Pleguezuelos, Fred Kraus. General Section: pages 238–243 (e291).
Download: PDF, 1.33 MB - Contributions to the herpetofauna of the Angolan Okavango-Cuando-Zambezi river drainages. Part 1: Serpentes (snakes). Werner Conradie, Ninda L. Baptista, Luke Verburgt, Chad Keates, James Harvey, Timóteo Júlio, Götz Neef. General Section: pages 244–278 (e292).
Download: PDF, 22.60 MB - Captive breeding program for Scinax alcatraz (Anura: Hylidae): introducing amphibian ex situ conservation in Brazil. Cybele S. Lisboa, Renata I. Vaz, Cinthia A. Brasileiro. General Section: pages 279–288 (e293).
Download: PDF, 1.73 MB - The distribution and calls of Vraem’ Treefrog, Dendropsophus vraemi (Caminer, Milá, Jansen, Fouquet, Venegas, Chávez, Lougheed, and Ron 2017), with comments on its conservation status. Germán Chávez, Andy C. Barboza, Michelle E. Thompson. General Section: pages 311–317 (e295).
Download: PDF, 1.85 MB - The highly variable release call of the missing Northern Darwin’s Frog, Rhinoderma rufum. José M. Serrano, Gabriel Bidart-Enriquez, Mario Penna. General Section: pages 318–322 (e296).
Download: PDF, 1.85 MB - Range expansion of the invasive Tropical House Gecko, Hemidactylus mabouia (Squamata: Gekkonidae), in South America. Rudolf von May, Pablo J. Venegas, Germán Chávez, Gabriel C. Costa. General Section: pages 323–334 (e297).
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General Issue (No. 26) | Volume 14, Number 1
- Cover Page.
Download: PDF, 1.18 MB - The ecology, distribution, status, threats, and conservation of the Common Water Monitor (Varanus salvator) in the Dhaleswari River of Assam, India. Muhammed Khairujjaman Mazumder, Amir Sohail Choudhury, Rofk Ahmed Barbhuiya, Himabrata Chakravarty, Badruzzaman Barbhuiya. General Section: pages 1–9 (e218).
Download: PDF, 5.15 MB - Climatic niche, natural history, and conservation status of the Porthole Treefrog, Charadrahyla taeniopus (Günther, 1901) (Anura: Hylidae) in Mexico. Raciel Cruz-Elizalde, Itzel Magno-Benítez, Christian Berriozabal-Islas, Raúl Ortíz-Pulido, Aurelio Ramírez-Bautista, Raquel Hernández-Austria. General Section: pages 10–21 (e219).
Download: PDF, 2.45 MB - Detection of Ophidiomyces ophiodiicola at two mid-Atlantic natural areas in Anne Arundel County, Maryland and Fairfax County, Virginia, USA. Lauren D. Fuchs, Todd A. Tupper, Robert Aguilar, Eva B. Lorentz, Christine A. Bozarth, David J. Fernandez, David M. Lawlor. General Section: pages 22–28 (e220).
Download: PDF, 1.93 MB - Insights into the natural history of the endemic Harlequin Toad, Atelopus laetissimus Ruiz-Carranza, Ardila-Robayo, and Hernández-Camacho, 1994 (Anura: Bufonidae), in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. Hernán D. Granda-Rodríguez, Andrés Camilo Montes-Correa, Juan David Jiménez-Bolaño, Alberto J. Alaniz, Pedro E. Cattan, Patricio Hernáez. General Section: pages 29–42 (e221).
Download: PDF, 5.71 MB - Do growth rate and survival differ between undisturbed and disturbed environments for Sceloporus spinosus Wiegmann, 1828 (Squamata: Phrynosomatidae) from Oaxaca, Mexico? Carlos A. Torres Barragán, Uriel Hernández Salinas, Aurelio Ramírez-Bautista. General Section: pages 43–54 (e222).
Download: PDF, 1.70 MB - A new gecko genus from Zagros Mountains, Iran. Farhang Torki. General Section: pages 55–62 (e223).
Download: PDF, 4.22 MB - The herpetofauna of Hidalgo, Mexico: composition, distribution, and conservation status. Aurelio Ramírez-Bautista, Uriel Hernández-Salinas, Raciel Cruz-Elizalde, Christian Berriozabal-Islas, Israel Moreno Lara, Dominic L. DeSantis, Jerry D. Johnson, Elí García-Padilla, Vicente Mata-Silva, Larry David Wilson. General Section: pages 63–118 (e224).
Download: PDF, 19.80 MB - First record of Raorchestes longchuanensis Yang and Li, 1978 (Anura: Rhacophoridae) from northeastern Bangladesh suggests wide habitat tolerance. Hassan Al-Razi, Marjan Maria, Sabit Hasan, Sabir Bin Muzaffar. General Section: pages 119–131 (e225).
Download: PDF, 3.71 MB - Geographic range extension for the Lobatse Hinge-back Tortoise, Kinixys lobatsiana (Power, 1927), with first records from the Soutpansberg region. Flora Ihlow, Ryan Van Huyssteen, Melita Vamberger, Dawn Cory-Toussaint, Margaretha D. Hofmeyr, Uwe Fritz. General Section: pages 132–139 (e226).
Download: PDF, 5.72 MB - A new species of Petracola (Squamata: Gymnophthalmidae) from Río Abiseo National Park, San Martín, Peru. Lily O. Rodríguez, Luis Mamani. General Section: pages 140–146 (e227).
Download: PDF, 3.12 MB - The herpetofauna of Honaz Mountain National Park (Denizli Province, Turkey) and threatening factors. Müge Gidiş, Eyup Başkale. General Section: pages 147–155 (e228).
Download: PDF, 2.50 MB - Patterns of growth and natural mortality in Lysapsus bolivianus (Anura, Hylidae, Pseudae) in an environmental protection area in the estuary of the Amazon River. Júlio C. Sá-Oliveira, Carlos E. Costa-Campos, Andréa S. Araújo, Stephen F. Ferrari. General Section: pages 156–162 (e229).
Download: PDF, 981 KB - Persistence of snake carcasses on roads and its potential effect on estimating roadkills in a megadiverse country. Laura Ximena Cabrera-Casas, Lina Marcela Robayo-Palacio, Fernando Vargas-Salinas. General Section: pages 163–173 (e230).
Download: PDF, 2.87 MB - Effect of vegetation and abiotic factors on the abundance and population structure of Crocodylus acutus (Cuvier, 1806) in coastal lagoons of Colima, Mexico. Sergio Aguilar-Olguín, María Cruz Rivera-Rodríguez, Helios Hernández-Hurtado, Ricardo González-Trujillo, María Magdalena Ramírez-Martínez. General Section: pages 174–182 (e231).
Download: PDF, 1.21 MB - More road-killed Caspian Whipsnakes (Dolichophis caspius): an update on the species distribution along the Danube, in Romania. Severus-D. Covaciu-Marcov, Alfred-Ş. Cicort-Lucaciu, Daniel-R. Pop, Bogdan I. Lucaci, and Sára Ferenți. General Section: pages 183–189 (e232).
Download: PDF, 1.70 MB - Feminization tendency of Hawksbill Turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) in the western Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico. Cynthia Dinorah Flores-Aguirre, Verónica Díaz-Hernández, Isaías Hazarmabeth Salgado Ugarte, Luis Enrique Sosa Caballero, Fausto R. Méndez de la Cruz. General Section: pages 190–202 (e233).
Download: PDF, 2.38 MB
Nepal Issue (No. 27) | Volume 14, Number 2
- Cover Page.
Download: PDF, 1.15 MB - NOTE: Due to the unprecedented disruptions caused by the worldwide Covid 19 pandemic, this special issue had to be postponed until 2021.
- Call survey indicates rainbow trout farming alters glassfrog community composition in the Andes of Ecuador. Katherine L. Krynak, Dana G. Wessels, Segundo M. Imba, Timothy J. Krynak, Eric B. Snyder, Jane A. Lyons, Juan M. Guayasamin. General Section: pages 1–11 (e234).
Download: PDF, 2.24 MB - Comparison of in vitro methods to inhibit growth of a virulent strain of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Longcore, Pessier, and Nichols 1999). Marina E. De León. General Section: pages 12–23 (e235).
Download: PDF, 1.73 MB - Predatory behaviors: Pristimantis savagei (Anura: Craugastoridae) as prey of Trechalea sp. spiders (Araneae: Trechaleidae) in a sector of the Piedemonte Llanero, Villavicencio, Colombia. Diego Escamilla-Quitián, Azarys de Jesús Paternina-Hernández, Juan E. Carvajal-Cogollo. General Section: pages 24–26 (e236).
Download: PDF, 1.57 MB - Endemism on a threatened sky island: new and rare species of herpetofauna from Cerro Chucantí, Eastern Panama. Abel Batista, Konrad Mebert, Madian Miranda, Orlando Garcés, Rogemif Fuentes, Marcos Poncea. General Section: pages 27–46 (e237).
Download: PDF, 6.60 MB - An endemic new species of Andean lizard of the genus Liolaemus from southern Peru (Iguania: Liolaemidae) and its phylogenetic position. Juan C. Chaparro, Aarón J. Quiroz, Luis Mamani, Roberto C. Gutiérrez, Peter Condori, Ignacio De la Riva, Gabriela Herrera-Juárez, José Cerdeña, Luis P. Arapa, Cristian S. Abdala. General Section: pages 47–63 (e238).
Download: PDF, 9.41 MB - The effect of biological microreserves in a highly anthropized environment on the biology of Natrix maura (Linnaeus, 1758). Robby M. Drechsler, Pablo Vera, Daniel C. Martínez, Juan S. Monrós. General Section: pages 64–72 (e239).
Download: PDF, 2.28 MB - Conserving the Mesoamerican herpetofauna: the most critical case of the priority level one endemic species. Eli García-Padilla, Dominic L. DeSantis, Arturo Rocha, Vicente Mata-Silva, Jerry D. Johnson, Larry David Wilson. General Section: pages 73–132 (e240).
Download: PDF, 20.1 MB - Cultural association and its role in garnering support for conservation: the case of the Mountain Chicken Frog on Dominica. Daniel J. Nicholson, Arun Kanagavel, Josh Baron, Stephen Durand, Cassandra Murray, Benjamin Tapley. General Section: pages 133–144 (e241).
Download: PDF, 6.45 MB - Herpetofauna of Kilis Province (Southeast Anatolia, Turkey). Mehmet Zülfü Yıldız. General Section: pages 145–156 (e242).
Download: PDF, 3.01 MB - Disease reservoirs threaten the recently rediscovered Podocarpus Stubfoot Toad (Atelopus podocarpus). Phillip Jervis, Berglind Karlsdóttir, Robert Jehle, Diego Almeida-Reinoso, Freddy Almeida-Reinoso, Santiago Ron, Matthew C. Fisher, Andrés Merino-Viteri. General Section: pages 157–164 (e243).
Download: PDF, 2.02 MB - Unexpectedly high Sphaerodactylus diversity on a Caribbean island: new locality for the Honduran endemic Sphaerodactylus dunni Schmidt, 1936 (Gekkonidae: Sphaerodactylidae) on Utila Island, Honduras. Tom W. Brown, Nathan Manwaring, Dennis Höfling, Oliver Honschek. General Section: pages 165–171 (e244).
Download: PDF, 1.94 MB - Discovery of a reproducing population of the Mindo Glassfrog, Nymphargus balionotus (Duellman, 1981), at the Río Manduriacu Reserve, Ecuador, with a literature review and comments on its natural history, distribution, and conservation status. Ross J. Maynard, Scott J. Trageser, Sebastian Kohn, Paul S. Hamilton, Jaime Culebras, Juan M. Guayasamin. General Section: pages 172–184 (e245).
Download: PDF, 3.67 MB - Problems with imperfect locality data: distribution and conservation status of an enigmatic pitviper. Adam G. Clause, Roberto Luna-Reyes, Noé Jiménez Lang, Adrián Nieto-Montes de Oca, Luis Alberto Martínez Hernández. General Section: pages 185–197 (e246).
Download: PDF, 1.85 MB - First herpetological surveys of Mount Lico and Mount Socone, Mozambique. Gabriela B. Bittencourt-Silva, Julian Bayliss, Werner Conradie. General Section: pages 198–217 (e247).
Download: PDF, 3.66 MB - New herpetofaunal observations from Laos based on photo records. Tan Van Nguyen, Peter Brakels, Nathanael Maury, Somchit Sudavanh, Parinya Pawangkhanant, Sabira Idiiatullina, Sengvilay Lorphengsy, Khamla Inkhavilay, Chatmongkon Suwannapoom, Nikolay A. Poyarkov. General Section: pages 218–249 (e248).
Download: PDF, 3.00 MB - Herpetofauna diversity in Zamrud National Park, Indonesia: baseline checklist for a Sumatra peat swamp forest ecosystem. Sandy Leo, Muhammad Suherman, Anggi Permatasari, Darwan Suganda, Zulamri, Nurul L. Winarni. General Section: pages 250–263 (e249).
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A Tribute to Joseph C. Mitchell (1948–2019) (No. 28) | Volume 14, Number 3
- Cover Page.
Download: PDF, 214 KB -
- Joe Mitchell – An Unfinished Life. Craig Hassapakis and the ARC Team. Special Section: pages i–xiii (e280).
Download: PDF, 9.80 MB - Some color in the desert: description of a new species of Liolaemus (Iguania: Liolaemidae) from southern Peru, and its conservation status. Ling Huamaní-Valderrama, Aarón J. Quiroz, Roberto C. Gutiérrez, Álvaro Aguilar-Kirigin, Wilson Huanca-Mamani, Pablo Valladares-Faúndez, José Cerdeña, Juan C. Chaparro, Roy Santa Cruz, Cristian S. Abdala. Taxonomy Section: pages 1–30 (e250).
Download: PDF, 13.0 MB - A new cryptic species of Cnemaspis Strauch, 1887 (Squamata: Gekkonidae), in the C. littoralis complex, from Anakkal, Palakkad, Kerala, India. Amit Sayyed, Vivek Philip Cyriac, Raveendan Dileepkumar. Taxonomy Section: pages 31–45 (e251).
Download: PDF, 6.03 MB - A new species of Lycodon (Serpentes: Colubridae) from the Deccan Plateau of India, with notes on the range of Lycodon travancoricus (Beddome, 1870) and a revised key to peninsular Indian forms. S.R. Ganesh, Kaushik Deuti, K.G. Punith, N.S. Achyuthan, Ashok Kumar Mallik, Omkar Adhikari, Gernot Vogel. Taxonomy Section: pages 74–83 (e256).
Download: PDF, 4.78 MB - A new species of Tantilla of the taeniata group (Squamata: Colubridae) from Refugio de Vida Silvestre Barras de Cuero y Salado in Caribbean coastal Honduras. Cristopher A. Antúnez-Fonseca, Jocelyn A. Castro, Farlem G. España, Josiah H. Townsend, Larry D. Wilson. Taxonomy Section: pages 86–102 (e258).
Download: PDF, 3.76 MB - A new species of the genus Ceratophora Gray, 1835 (Reptilia: Agamidae) from a lowland rainforest in Sri Lanka, with insights on rostral appendage evolution in Sri Lankan agamid lizards. Suranjan Karunarathna, Nikolay A. Poyarkov, Chamara Amarasinghe, Thilina Surasinghe, Andrey V. Bushuev, Majintha Madawala, Vladislav A. Gorin, Anslem De Silva. Taxonomy Section: pages 103–126 (e259).
Download: PDF, 9.00 MB - A new species of terrestrial-breeding frog of the genus Psychrophrynella (Anura: Strabomantidae) from the Cordillera de Vilcabamba, southeastern Peru. F. Peter Condori, Aldemar A. Acevedo, Luis Mamani, J. Amanda Delgado, Juan C. Chaparro. Taxonomy Section: pages 126–137 (e260).
Download: PDF, 4.42 MB - Evidence for cryptic diversity in the Neotropical water snake, Helicops angulatus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Dipsadidae, Hydropsini), with comments on its ecology, facultative reproductive mode, and conservation. John C. Murphy, Antonio Muñoz-Mérida, Renoir J. Auguste, Oscar Lasso-Alcalá, Gilson A. Rivas, Michael J. Jowers. Taxonomy Section: pages 138–155 (e261).
Download: PDF, 5.50 MB - A new species of green pit viper of the genus Trimeresurus Lacépède, 1804 (Reptilia: Serpentes: Viperidae) from the Nicobar Archipelago, Indian Ocean. S.R. Chandramouli, Patrick D. Campbell, Gernot Vogel. Taxonomy Section: pages 169–176 (e264).
Download: PDF, 2.45 MB - Unearthing the species diversity of a cryptozoic snake, Tantilla melanocephala, in its northern distribution with emphasis on the colonization of the Lesser Antilles. Michael J. Jowers, Gilson A. Rivas, Robert C. Jadin, Alvin L. Braswell, Renoir J. Auguste, Amaël Borzée, John C. Murphy. Taxonomy Section: pages 206–217 (e268).
Download: PDF, 3.93 MB - A reevaluation of records of Sandveld lizards, Nucras Gray, 1838 (Squamata: Lacertidae), from northern Namibia. Aaron M. Bauer, Matthew Murdoch, Jackie L. Childers. Taxonomy Section: pages 231–250 (e271).
Download: PDF, 8.17 MB - Amphibian diversity and conservation along an elevational gradient on Mount Emei, southwestern China. Xiaoyi Wang, Shengnan Yang, Chunpeng Guo, Ke Tang, Jianping Jiang, Junhua Hu. General Section: pages 46–56 (e252).
Download: PDF, 2.09 MB - New record of Adelphicos daryi (Serpentes: Dipsadidae) after 19 years, and additional record of Ptychohyla euthysanota (Anura: Hylidae) in Guatemala. J. Renato Morales-Mérida, Fred Muller. General Section: pages 57–61 (e253).
Download: PDF, 4.12 MB - The need for transboundary faunistics and conservation: first record of the Natterjack Toad (Epidalea calamita) in Czech Silesia, northeastern Czech Republic. Petr Vlček, Vít Zavadil, Václav Gvoždík. General Section: pages 62–69 (e254).
Download: PDF, 3.14 MB - Book Review—The Wildlife Techniques Manual, Eighth Edition. Howard O. Clark, Jr. General Section: pages 70–73 (e255).
Download: PDF, 1.08 MB - Book Review—The Dangerous Snakes of Africa. Howard O. Clark, Jr. General Section: pages 84–85 (e257).
Download: PDF, 633 KB - Cannibalism in the High Andean Titicaca Water Frog, Telmatobius culeus Garman, 1875. Arturo Muñoz-Saravia, Adriana Aguila-Sainz, Ricardo Zurita-Ugarte, Gabriel Callapa-Escalera, Geert P.J. Janssens. General Section: pages 156–161 (e262).
Download: PDF, 2.16 MB - Feeding habits of the threatened aquatic Andean frog Telmatobius rubigo (Anura: Telmatobiidae). Mauricio Sebastián Akmentins, María Soledad Gastón. General Section: pages 162–168 (e263).
Download: PDF, 1.79 MB - Forensic bioacoustics? The advertisement calls of two locally extinct frogs from Colombia. Ignacio De la Riva, Claudia Lansac, Belisario Cepeda, Guillermo Cantillo, Jacopo de Luca, Laura González, Rafael Márquez, Patricia A. Burrowes. General Section: pages 177–188 (e265).
Download: PDF, 3.70 MB - Alien populations of painted frogs, genus Discoglossus, on the southeastern coast of France: two examples of anthropogenic introduction. Julien Renet, Rémi Duguet, Mathieu Policain, Alison Piquet, Vincent Fradet, Pauline Priol, Grégory Deso, François Grimal, Giuseppe Sotgiu, Miguel Vences. General Section: pages 189–199 (e266).
Download: PDF, 5.38 MB - On the Critically Endangered Cofre de Perote Salamander (Isthmura naucampatepetl): discovery of a new population in Puebla, Mexico, and update of its known distribution. Leonardo Fernández-Badillo, Nallely Morales-Capellán, Giovany Tonatiuh González-Bonilla, Luis Canseco-Márquez, Dante Alfredo Hernández-Silva. General Section: pages 200–205 (e267).
Download: PDF, 2.18 MB - The most northeastern record of the Turkish endemic viper, Pelias barani (Böhme and Joger, 1984), from northeastern Anatolia: two viper species in a valley. Serkan Gül. General Section: pages 218–225 (e269).
Download: PDF, 2.57 MB - Rediscovery of Oligodon catenatus (Blyth, 1854) (Squamata: Colubridae) from India. Lalbiakzuala, Hmar Tlawmte Lalremsanga. General Section: pages 226–230 (e270).
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A Tribute to William R. Branch (1946–2018) (No. 25) | Volume 13, Number 2
- Cover Page.
Download: High Res, 165 KB | Low Res, 113 KB - Compilation of personal tributes to William Roy Branch (1946–2018): a loving husband and father, a good friend, and a mentor. Werner Conradie, Michael L. Grieneisen, Craig L. Hassapakis (Editors). Preface: pages i–xxix (e186).
Download: High Res, 29.1 MB | Low Res, 1.88 MB SPECIAL SECTION
- A herpetological survey of western Zambia. Gabriela B. Bittencourt-Silva. Special Section: pages 1–28 (e181).
Download: PDF, 8.21 MB - Hiding in the bushes for 110 years: rediscovery of an iconic Angolan gecko (Afrogecko ansorgii Boulenger, 1907, Sauria: Gekkonidae). Pedro Vaz Pinto, Luis Veríssimo, William R. Branch. Special Section: pages 29–41 (e182).
Download: PDF, 7.70 MB - Phylogeography of the East African Serrated Hinged Terrapin Pelusios sinuatus (Smith, 1838) and resurrection of Sternothaerus bottegi Boulenger, 1895 as a subspecies of P. sinuatus. Melita Vamberger, Margaretha D. Hofmeyr, Courtney A. Cook, Edward C. Netherlands, Uwe Fritz. Special Section: pages 42–56 (e184).
Download: PDF, 2.12 MB - Mind the gap—Is the distribution range of Pelomedusa galeata really disjunct in western South Africa? Melita Vamberger, Paula Ribeiro Anunciação, Margaretha D. Hofmeyr, Uwe Fritz. Special Section: pages 57–60 (e185).
Download: PDF, 2.82 MB - Geographic range extension of Spekes Hinge-back Tortoise Kinixys spekii Gray, 1863. Flora Ihlow, Harith M. Farooq, Václav Gvoždík, Margaretha D. Hofmeyr, Werner Conradie, Patrick D. Campbell, James Harvey, Luke Verburgt, Uwe Fritz. Special Section: pages 61–67 (e195).
Download: PDF, 10.30 MB - Value of forest remnants for montane amphibians on the livestock grazed Mount Mbam, Cameroon. Arnaud M. Tchassem Fokoua, Legrand Nono Gonwouo, Joseph L. Tamesse, Thomas M. Doherty-Bone. Special Section: pages 68–81 (e197).
Download: PDF, 2.04 MB - Another Angolan Namib endemic species: a new Nucras Gray, 1838 (Squamata: Lacertidae) from south-western Angola. William R. Branch, Werner Conradie, Pedro Vaz Pinto, Krystal A. Tolley. Special Section: pages 82–95 (e199).
Download: PDF, 5.77 MB - The herpetofauna of Bicuar National Park and surroundings, southwestern Angola: a preliminary checklist. Ninda L. Baptista, Telmo António, William R. Branch. Special Section: pages 96–130 (e203).
Download: PDF, 14.60 MB -
- First record of the Cat Ba Tiger Gecko, Goniurosaurus catbaensis, from Ha Long Bay, Quang Ninh Province, Vietnam: microhabitat selection, potential distribution, and evidence of threats. Hai Ngoc Ngo, Tuan Quang Le, Minh Le Pham, Truong Quang Nguyen, Minh Duc Le, Mona van Schingen, Thomas Ziegler. General Section: pages 1–13 (e183).
Download: PDF, 5.06 MB - A new species of dwarf day gecko (Reptilia: Gekkonidae: Cnemaspis) from lower-elevations of Samanala Nature Reserve in Central massif, Sri Lanka. Suranjan Karunarathna, Kanishka D.B. Ukuwela. General Section: pages 14–27 (e187).
Download: PDF, 7.57 MB - BOOK REVIEW—How Snakes Work: Structure, Function and Behavior of the World's Snakes. Brian I. Crother. General Section: pages 28–30 (e188).
Download: PDF, 900 KB - The herpetofauna of Coahuila, Mexico: composition, distribution, and conservation status. David Lazcano, Manuel Nevárez-de los Reyes, Elí García-Padilla, Jerry D. Johnson, Vicente Mata-Silva, Dominic L. DeSantis, Larry David Wilson. General Section: pages 31–94 (e189).
Download: PDF, 6.90 MB - Unpublished population data of Dendrobates azureus Hoogmoed 1969 obtained in 1968 and 1970, and its historical and current taxonomic status. Marinus S. Hoogmoed. General Section: pages 95–101 (e190).
Download: PDF, 7.15 MB - Vulnerability of Northern Pine Snakes (Pituophis melanoleucus Daudin, 1803) during fall den ingress in New Jersey, USA. Joanna Burger. General Section: pages 102–114 (e191).
Download: PDF, 3.51 MB - From incidental findings to systematic discovery: locating and monitoring a new population of the endangered Harlequin Toad. Andrés Jiménez-Monge, Felipe Montoya-Greenheck, Federico Bolaños, Gilbert Alvarado. General Section: pages 115–125 (e192).
Download: PDF, 2.86 MB - Thorius narismagnus (Amphibia: Plethodontidae): rediscovery at the type locality and detection of a new population. José L. Aguilar-López, Paulina García-Bañuelos, Eduardo Pineda, Sean M. Rovito. General Section: pages 126–132 (e193).
Download: PDF, 2.53 MB - A new glassfrog (Centrolenidae: Hyalinobatrachium) from the Topo River Basin, Amazonian slopes of the Andes of Ecuador. Juan M. Guayasamin, José Vieira, Richard E. Glor, Carl R. Hutter. General Section: pages 133–144 (e194).
Download: PDF, 3.42 MB - New records and distribution extension of the rare glassfrog Hyalinobatrachium chirripoi (Anura: Centrolenidae) throughout the Chocó-Magdalena region in Colombia. Angela M. Mendoza-Henao, Roberto Márquez, Claudia Molina-Zuluaga, Daniel Mejía-Vargas, Pablo Palacios-Rodríguez. General Section: pages 145–151 (e196).
Download: PDF, 1.71 MB - Natural history notes on three sympatric frogs, Amolops formosus (Günther 1875), Nanorana liebigii (Günther 1860), and Ombrana sikimensis (Jerdon 1870), from Manaslu Conservation Area, Nepal. Biraj Shrestha, Min Bahadur Gurung. General Section: pages 152–159 (e198).
Download: PDF, 8.78 MB - Checklist of the amphibians and reptiles of the Lely Mountains, eastern Suriname. Rawien Jairam. General Section: pages 160–171 (e200).
Download: PDF, 10.40 MB - Book Review—Islands and Snakes: Isolation and Adaptive Evolution. Bayard H. Brattstrom. General Section: pages 172–173 (e201).
Download: PDF, 789 KB - Possible hybridization between East Pacific Green Chelonia mydas and Olive Ridley Lepidochelys olivacea sea turtles in northwest Mexico. Catherine E. Hart, Cesar P. Ley-Quñonez, F. Alberto Abreu-Grobois, Luis Javier Plata-Rosas, Israel Llamas-Gonzalez, Delia Karen E. Oceguera-Camacho, Alan A. Zavala-Norzagaray. General Section: pages 174–180 (e202).
Download: PDF, 2.18 MB - Diversity and conservation of terrestrial, freshwater, and marine reptiles and amphibians in Saudi Arabia. Abdulhadi A. Aloufi, Zuhair S. Amr, Mohammad A. Abu Baker, Nashat Hamidan. General Section: pages 181–202 (e204).
Download: PDF, 20.80 MB - Phylogenetic analysis of the Common Krait (Bungarus caeruleus) in Pakistan based on mitochondrial and nuclear protein coding genes. Muhammad Rizwan Ashraf, Asif Nadeem, Eric Nelson Smith, Maryam Javed, Utpal Smart, Tahir Yaqub, Abu Saeed Hashmi, Panupong Thammachoti. General Section: pages 203–211 (e205).
Download: PDF, 1.18 MB - Daboia russelii (Reptilia: Squamata) in remote parts of Gujjar Village Miandam, Swat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Wali Khan, Bashir Ahmad. General Section: pages 212–216 (e206).
Download: PDF, 3.87 MB - Native anuran species as prey of invasive American Bullfrog, Lithobates catesbeianus, in Brazil: a review with new predation records. Fabrício H. Oda, Vinicius Guerra, Eduardo Grou, Lucas D. de Lima, Helen C. Proença, Priscilla G. Gambale, Ricardo M. Takemoto, Cauê P. Teixeira, Karla M. Campião, Jean Carlo G. Ortega. General Section: pages 217–226 (e207).
Download: PDF, 2.66 MB - Biology of snakes of the genus Tretanorhinus: an integrative review. Marco D. Barquero, Viviana Arguedas. General Section: pages 227–238 (e208).
Download: PDF, 1.73 MB - Three new species of Hemidactylus Oken, 1817 (Squamata, Gekkonidae) from Iran. Farhang Torki. General Section: pages 239–258 (e209).
Download: PDF, 6.52 MB - The Blue Dyeing Poison-Dart Frog, Dendrobates tinctorius (Dendrobates azureus, Hoogmoed 1969): extant in Suriname based on a rapid survey. Christian A. dOrgeix, DeJah Hardy, Sarah Melissa Witiak, Laren R. Robinson, Rawien Jairam. General Section: pages 259–264 (e210).
Download: PDF, 3.17 MB - BOOK REVIEW—Night Lizards: Field Memoirs and a Summary of the Xantusiidae. Howard O. Clark, Jr. General Section: pages 265–266 (e211).
Download: PDF, 1.24 MB - Impacts of a highway on the population genetic structure of a threatened freshwater turtle (Glyptemys insculpta). Alexander J. Robillard, Sean Robinson, Elizabeth Bastiaans, Donna Vogler. General Section: pages 267–275 (e212).
Download: PDF, 1.05 MB - Modelling the distribution of the Ocellated Lizard in France: implications for conservation. Pierre Jorcin, Laurent Barthe, Matthieu Berroneau, Florian Doré, Philippe Geniez, Pierre Grillet, Benjamin Kabouche, Alexandre Movia, Babak Naimi, Gilles Pottier, Jean-Marc Thirion, Marc Cheylan. General Section: pages 276–298, S1-S2 (e213).
Download: PDF, 18.7 MB | S1-S2 (Supplement), 1.35 MB - First field report of Trimerodytes percarinatus (Boulenger, 1899) (Reptilia: Squamata: Natricidae) from India with notes on its natural history. Ashok Kumar Mallik, Subhadeep Chowdhury, Bharat Bhushan Bhatt, Ashok Captain. General Section: pages 299–303 (e214).
Download: PDF, 3.00 MB - The most frog-diverse place in Middle America, with notes on the conservation status of eight threatened species of amphibians. José Andrés Salazar-Zúñiga, Wagner Chaves-Acuña, Gerardo Chaves, Alejandro Acuña, Juan Ignacio Abarca-Odio, Javier Lobon-Rovira, Edwin Gómez-Méndez, Ana Cecilia Gutiérrez-Vannucchi, Federico Bolaños. General Section: pages 304–322 (e215).
Download: PDF, 16.70 MB - Three new species of day geckos (Reptilia: Gekkonidae: Cnemaspis Strauch, 1887) from isolated granite cave habitats in Sri Lanka. Suranjan Karunarathna, Anslem de Silva, Madhava Botejue, Dinesh Gabadage, Lankani Somaratna, Angelo Hettige, Nimantha Aberathna, Majintha Madawala, Gayan Edirisinghe, Nirmala Perera, Sulakshana Wickramaarachchi, Thilina Surasinghe, Niranjan Karunarathna, Mendis Wickramasinghe, Kanishka D.B. Ukuwela, Aaron M. Bauer. General Section: pages 323–354 (e216).
Download: PDF, 4.14 MB - Manuscript reviewers for Amphibian & Reptile Conservation (2019). Craig Hassapakis, Michael L. Grieneisen, Werner Conradie. Pages xxx–xxxi (e217).
Download: PDF, 359 KB
Amphibians of Venezuela (No. 24) | Volume 13, Number 1
- Cover Page.
Download: High Res, 1.40 MB | Low Res, 159 KB - Catalogue of the amphibians of Venezuela: Illustrated and annotated species list, distribution, and conservation. César L. Barrio-Amorós, Fernando J. M. Rojas-Runjaic, J. Celsa Señaris. Special Section: pages 1–198 (e180).
Download: High Res, 16.1 MB | Low Res, 7.49 MB - The endemic herpetofauna of Central America: a casualty of anthropocentrism. Vicente Mata-Silva, Dominic L. DeSantis, Elí García-Padilla, Jerry D. Johnson, Larry David Wilson. General Section: pages 1–64 (e168).
Download: High Res, 13.50 MB | Low Res, 1.46 MB - Ecological interactions between arthropods and small vertebrates in a lowland Amazon rainforest. Rudolf von May, Emanuele Biggi, Heidy Cárdenas, M. Isabel Diaz, Consuelo Alarcón, Valia Herrera, Roy Santa-Cruz, Francesco Tomasinelli, Erin P. Westeen, Ciara M. Sánchez-Paredes, Joanna G. Larson, Pascal O. Title, Maggie R. Grundler, Michael C. Grundler, Alison R. Davis Rabosky, Daniel L. Rabosky. General Section: pages 65–77 (e169).
Download: High Res, 5.14 MB | Low Res, 810 KB - Description of head scalation variation, hemipenis, reproduction, and behavior of the Indian Smooth Snake, Coronella brachyura (Günther 1866). Dikansh S. Parmar. General Section: pages 78–89 (e164).
Download: High Res, 5.03 MB | Low Res, 816 KB - First record of Gracixalus quangi Rowley, Dau, Nguyen, Cao & Nguyen, 2011, from Hoa Binh Province, Vietnam, including the first documentation of advanced larval stages and an extended tadpole description. Cuong The Pham, Anna Rauhaus, Thang Dai Tran, Christian Niggemann, Phuong Huy Dang, Minh Duc Le, Truong Quang Nguyen, Thomas Ziegler. General Section: pages 90–103 (e170).
Download: High Res, 3.40 MB | Low Res, 729 KB - Genetic diversity of Egyptian populations of the African Common Toad (Sclerophrys regularis, Reuss 1833). Lamiaa Elsayed Mokhtar Deef. General Section: pages 104–110 (e171).
Download: High Res, 851 KB | Low Res, 443 KB - Analysis of diet composition and morphological characters of the little-known Peruvian bush anole Polychrus peruvianus (Noble, 1924) in a northern Peruvian dry forest. Antonia Beuttner, Claudia Koch. General Section: pages 111–121 (e172).
Download: High Res, 749 KB | Low Res, 454 KB - Distribution of the Neotropical water snakes Hydrops caesurus, H. martii, and H. triangularis in South America, with new records from Peru and Brazil. Rudolf von May, Nelson Rufino de Albuquerque, Henrique Bartolomeu Braz, Roy Santa-Cruz, Emanuele Biggi, Francesco Tomasinelli, Daniel L. Rabosky. General Section: pages 122–142 (e173).
Download: High Res, 2.08 MB | Low Res, 971 KB - New reptile records from Lékédi Park and Haut-Ogooué Province, southeastern Gabon. Olivier S. G. Pauwels, Stephan Morelle, Jean-Louis Albert, Piero Carlino, Nil Rahola, Jean-François Trape. General Section: pages 143–161 (e174).
Download: High Res, 6.08 MB | Low Res, 876 KB - Annotated checklist of the herpetofauna (Amphibia, Reptilia) of Mount Ararat and surroundings. John Mulder. General Section: pages 162–172 (e175).
Download: High Res, 707 KB | Low Res, 574 KB - Taxonomic assessment of Craugastor podiciferus (Anura: Craugastoridae) in lower Central America with the description of two new species. Erick Arias, Andreas Hertz, Gabriela Parra-Olea. General Section: pages 173–197 (e176).
Download: High Res, 4.82 MB | Low Res, 935 KB - Reptiles of Ecuador: a resource-rich portal, with a dynamic checklist and photographic guides. Omar Torres-Carvajal, Gustavo Pazmiño-Otamendi, David Salazar-Valenzuela. General Section: pages 209–229 (e178).
Download: PDF, 4.17 MB | Supplementary file 1, 46.9 MB - A new species of endemic day gecko (Reptilia: Gekkonidae: Cnemaspis) from a wet zone forest in the second peneplain of Southern Sri Lanka. Anslem de Silva, Aaron M. Bauer, Madhava Botejue, Suranjan Karunarathna. General Section: pages 198–208 (e177).
Download: PDF, 6.06 MB - A new state record of the Mandarin Rat Snake Euprepiophis mandarinus (Cantor, 1842) (Squamata: Colubridae: Coronellini) from Mizoram, India. Khan Ashaharraza, V. Rangasamy, Hmar Tlawmte Lalremsanga, Lalbiakzuala, Jenny Sailo, Tom Charlton. General Section: pages 230–234 (e179).
Download: PDF, 2.58 MB
Biobanking Amphibians 2018 (No. 23) | Volume 12, Number 2
- Cover Page.
Download: High Res, 1.88 MB | Low Res, 189 KB - Table of Contents. Page: Back Cover.
Download: Size, 217 KB - Integrating current methods for the preservation of amphibian genetic resources and viable tissues to achieve best practices for species conservation. Breda M. Zimkus, Craig L. Hassapakis, Marlys L. Houck. Special Section: pages 1–27 (e165).
Download: PDF, 3.11 MB - The critically endangered species Litoria spenceri demonstrates subpopulation karyotype diversity. Richard Mollard, Michael Mahony, Gerry Marantelli, Matt West. Special Section: pages 28–36 (e166).
Download: High Res, 2.98 MB | Low Res, 768 KB - Two new species of Chiropterotriton (Caudata: Plethodontidae) from central Veracruz, Mexico. Mirna G. García-Castillo, Ángel F. Soto-Pozos, J. Luis Aguilar-López, Eduardo Pineda, Gabriela Parra-Olea. Special Section: pages 37–54 (e167).
Download: High Res, 6.58 MB | Low Res, 859 KB - Four new species of the genus Cnemaspis Strauch, (Sauria: Gekkonidae) from the northern Western Ghats, India. Amit Sayyed, Robert Alexander Pyron, R. Dileepkumar. General Section: pages 1–29 (e157).
Download: High Res, 11.20 MB | Low Res, 1.30 MB - Diversity of anurans in forest fragments of southwestern Ethiopia: The case of the Yayu Coffee Forest Biosphere Reserve (YCFBR). Tilahun Mulatu, Abebe Getahun. General Section: pages 30–40 (e158).
Download: High Res, 1.35 MB | Low Res, 650 KB - Snakes of Angola: An annotated checklist. Bill Branch. General Section: pages 41–82 (e159).
Download: High Res, 10.7 MB | Low Res, 1.04 MB - New distribution records, observations on natural history, and notes on reproduction of the poorly known Sudanese Unicorn Chameleon (Chamaeleonidae: Trioceros conirostratus) from Uganda, Africa. Daniel F. Hughes, Daniel G. Blackburn, Lukwago Wilber, Mathias Behangana. General Section: pages 83–89 (e160).
Download: High Res, 3.10 MB | Low Res, 747 KB - Enumeration of herpetofaunal assemblage of Surajpur Wetland, National Capital Region (India). Nasim Ahmad Ansari. General Section: pages 90–97 (e161).
Download: High Res, 2.93 MB | Low Res, 570 KB - Range extension and highest elevational populations of Natrix tessellata in Slovakia. Simona Gezova, Daniel Jablonski. General Section: pages 98–105 (e162).
Download: High Res, 2.44 MB | Low Res, 512 KB - New sites of the endangered Marmaris Salamander, Lyciasalamandra flavimembris (Mutz and Steinfartz 1995), (Caudata: Salamandridae) from Muğla, Turkey. Dilara Arslan, Çağdaş Yaşar, Akin İzgin, Cihan Şen, Kerim Çiçek. General Section: pages 106–111 (e163).
Download: High Res, 3.29 MB | Low Res, 569 KB
General Issue (No. 22) | Volume 12, Number 1
- Cover Page.
Download: High Res, 2.42 MB | Low Res, 167 KB - New distributional records of the Toad-headed Pitviper Bothrocophias hyoprora (Amaral, 1935) in Brazil. Luciana Silva de Oliveira, Ivanei Souza Araújo, Ana Lúcia da Costa Prudente, Rafael de Fraga, Alexandre Pinheiro de Almeida, Alexandre Cordeiro Ascenso. General Section: pages 1–4 (e150).
Download: High Res, 3.57 MB | Low Res, 694 KB - On the occurrence of Hemiphractus scutatus (Spix, 1824) (Anura: Hemiphractidae) in eastern Amazonia. Leandro João Carneiro de Lima Moraes, Dante Pavan. General Section: pages 5–14 (e151).
Download: High Res, 3.28 MB | Low Res, 720 KB - Sighting of the Himalayan Trinket Snake, Orthriophis hodgsonii Günther (1860) (Reptilia: Colubridae), in Sahastra Dhara, Uttarakhand: A new elevational record. Abhishek Singh, Ritesh Joshi. General Section: pages 15–17 (e152).
Download: High Res, 0.98 MB | Low Res, 443 KB - Captive management, reproduction, and comparative larval development of Klappenbachs Red-bellied Frog, Melanophryniscus klappenbachi Prigioni and Langone, 2000. Nils Behr, Dennis Rödder. General Section: pages 18–26 (e153).
Download: High Res, 4.27 MB | Low Res, 720 KB - Rediscovery of the rare Star Mountains Worm-eating Snake, Toxicocalamus ernstmayri OShea et al., 2015 (Serpentes: Elapidae: Hydrophiinae) with the description of its coloration in life. Mark OShea, Brian Herlihy, Blaise Paivu, Fred Parker, Stephen J. Richards, Hinrich Kaiser. General Section: pages 27–34 (e154).
Download: High Res, 5.27 MB | Low Res, 743 KB - Amphibians and reptiles of Parsa National Park, Nepal. Santosh Bhattarai, Chiranjibi Prasad Pokheral, Babu Ram Lamichhane, Uba Raj Regmi, Ashok Kumar Ram, Naresh Subedi. General Section: pages 35–48 (e155).
Download: High Res, 13.80 MB | Low Res, 971 KB - Range extension of Cyrtopodion himalayanus Duda and Sahi, 1978 (Reptilia: Sauria) in Jammu Province of State Jammu and Kashmir from District Doda, Northern India. Amit Manhas, Rajni Raina, Ashwani Wanganeo. General Section: pages 49–51 (e156).
Download: High Res, 826 KB | Low Res, 392 KB
Biobanking Amphibians (No. 21) | Volume 11, Number 2
- Cover Page.
Download: High Res, 3.68 MB | Low Res, 141 KB - In vitro fertilizations with cryopreserved sperm of Rhinella marina (Anura: Bufonidae) in Ecuador. Belén Proaño, Oscar D. Pérez. Special Section: pages 1–6 (e143).
Download: High Res, 472 KB | Low Res, 436 KB - Description of two new species similar to Anolis insignis (Squamata: Iguanidae) and resurrection of Anolis (Diaphoranolis) brooksi. Steven Poe, Mason J. Ryan. General Section: pages 1–16 (e141).
Download: High Res, 3.57 MB | Low Res, 694 KB - Stakeholder contributions to conservation of threatened Northern Pine Snakes (Pituophis melanoleucus, Daudin, 1803) in the New Jersey Pine Barrens as a case study. Joanna Burger, Michael Gochfeld, Robert T. Zappalorti, Emile DeVito, Christian Jeitner, Taryn Pittfield, David Schneider, Matt McCort. General Section: pages 17–32 (e142).
Download: High Res, 7.57 MB | Low Res, 888 KB - Reproductive biology of Tylototriton yangi (Urodela: Salamandridae), with suggestions on its conservation. Kai WANG, Zhiyong YUAN, Guanghui ZHONG, Guangyu LI, Paul A. Verrell. General Section: pages 33–43 (e145).
Download: High Res, 4.19 MB | Low Res, 615 KB - Temperature sex determination, incubation duration, and hatchling sexual dimorphism in the Española Giant Tortoise (Chelonoidis hoodensis) of the Galápagos Islands. Ana Sancho, William H.N. Gutzke, Howard L. Snell, Solanda Rea, Marcia Wilson, Russell L. Burke. General Section: pages 44–50 (e146).
Download: High Res, 844 KB | Low Res, 426 KB - Diversity, threat, and conservation of reptiles from continental Ecuador. Carolina Reyes-Puig, Ana Almendáriz C., Omar Torres-Carvajal. General Section: pages 51–58 (e147).
Download: High Res, 2.25 MB | Low Res, 538 KB - Development of in-country live food production for amphibian conservation: The Mountain Chicken Frog (Leptodactylus fallax) on Dominica, West Indies. Daniel J. Nicholson, Benjamin Tapley, Stephanie Jayson, James Dale, Luke Harding, Jenny Spencer, Machel Sulton, Stephen Durand, Andrew A. Cunningham. General Section: pages 59–68 (e149).
Download: High Res, 1.57 MB | Low Res, 528 KB
Angola and Africa (No. 20) | Volume 11, Number 1
- Cover Page.
Download: High Res, 6.18 MB | Low Res, 246 KB - Amphibians of Haut-Ogooué Province, southeastern Gabon. Gregory F. M. Jongsma, Elie Tobi, Graham P. Dixon-MacCallum, Abraham Bamba-Kaya, Jean-Aimé Yoga, Jean-Daniel Mbega, Jean-Hervé Mve Beh, Andrea M. Emrich, David C. Blackburn. Special Section: pages 1–23 (e144).
Download: High Res, 7.42 MB | Low Res, 1.10 MB - Preliminary herpetological survey of Ngonye Falls and surrounding regions in southwestern Zambia. Darren W. Pietersen, Errol W. Pietersen, Werner Conradie. Special Section: pages 24–43 (e148).
Download: High Res, 2.26 MB | Low Res, 633 KB - Cryptic multicolored lizards in the Polychrus marmoratus Group (Squamata: Sauria: Polychrotidae) and the status of Leiolepis auduboni Hallowell. John C. Murphy, Richard M. Lehtinen, Stevland P. Charles, Danielle Wasserman, Tom Anton, Patrick J. Brennan. General Section: pages 1–16 (e132).
Download: High Res, 4.05 MB | Low Res, 783 KB - New distribution records and conservation status of Atelopus seminiferus Cope, 1874: A Critically Endangered harlequin frog from northern Peru. Juan C. Cusi, Andy C. Barboza, Vance T. Vredenburg, Rudolf von May. General Section: pages 17–24 (e133).
Download: High Res, 3.45 MB | Low Res, 603 KB - Restricted diet in a vulnerable native turtle, Malaclemys terrapin (Schoepff), on the oceanic islands of Bermuda. Mark E. Outerbridge, Ruth O'Riordan, Thomas Quirke, John Davenport. General Section: pages 25–35 (e134).
Download: High Res, 1.34 MB | Low Res, 496 KB - Conservation status of amphibians of Argentina: An update and evaluation of national assessments. Marcos Vaira, Laura C. Pereyra, Mauricio S. Akmentins, Jon Bielby. General Section: pages 36–44 (e135).
Download: High Res, 922 KB | Low Res, 506 KB - Preliminary observations on the circadian variation in site fidelity in Atelopus hoogmoedi (Lescure, 1974) (Anura, Bufonidae). Michaël P.J. Nicolaï, Sara Porchetta, Shashank Balakrishna, David P. Botha, Philippe J.R. Kok. General Section: pages 45–50 (e136).
Download: High Res, 2.23 MB | Low Res, 543 KB - A new rupicolous species of gecko of the genus Hemidactylus Oken, 1817 from the Satpura Hills, Central India. Zeeshan A. Mirza, David Raju. General Section: pages 51–71 (e137).
Download: High Res, 8.44 MB | Low Res, 990 KB - Larval development and breeding ecology of Ziegler's Crocodile Newt, Tylototriton ziegleri Nishikawa, Matsui and Nguyen, 2013 (Caudata: Salamandridae), compared to other Tylototriton representatives. Marta Bernardes, Anna Rauhaus, Clara Michel, Cuong The Pham, Truong Quang Nguyen, Minh Duc Le, Frank Pasmans, Michael Bonkowski, Thomas Ziegler. General Section: pages 72–87 (e138).
Download: High Res, 3.79 MB | Low Res, 687 KB - On the distribution of the Himalayan Stripe-necked Snake Liopeltis rappi (Günther, 1860) (Serpentes: Colubridae) in Nepal. Santosh Bhattarai, Kul Bahadur Thapa, Lina Chalise, Aashish Gurung, Chiranjibi Prasad Pokheral, Naresh Subedi, Tej Bahadur Thapa, Karan Bahadur Shah. General Section: pages 88–92 (e139).
Download: High Res, 1.13 MB | Low Res, 544 KB - The herpetofauna of central Uzbekistan. Thomas Edward Martin, Mathieu Guillemin, Valentin Nivet-Mazerolles, Cecile Landsmann, Jerome Dubos, Rémy Eudeline, James T. Stroud. General Section: pages 93–107 (e140).
Download: High Res, 8.11 MB | Low Res, 956 KB
Angola and Africa (No. 19) | Volume 10, Number 2
- Cover Page.
Download: High Res, 1.39 MB | Low Res, 146 KB - Preface (Amphibian & Reptile Conservation Special Angola and Africa Issue). William R. Branch. Special Section: pages i–iii (e128).
Download: High Res, 471 KB | Low Res, 407 KB - Senegal Flapshell Turtle (Cyclanorbis senegalensis) in Ethiopia (Testudines: Trionychidae). Tomáŝ Mazuch, Vladimír Trailin, Uwe Fritz, Melita Vamberger. Special Section: pages 1–5 (e125).
Download: High Res, 2.12 MB | Low Res, 512 KB - The herpetofauna of the Cubango, Cuito, and lower Cuando river catchments of south-eastern Angola. Werner Conradie, Roger Bills, William R. Branch. Special Section: pages 6–36 (e126).
Download: High Res, 10.10 MB | Low Res, 1.5 MB - A survey of amphibians and reptiles in the foothills of Mount Kupe, Cameroon. Daniel M. Portik, Gregory F.M. Jongsma, Marcel T. Kouete, Lauren A. Scheinberg, Brian Freiermuth, Walter P. Tapondjou, David C. Blackburn. Special Section: pages 37–67 (e131).
Download: High Res, 6.81 MB | Low Res, 1.28 MB - The first female specimen of the poorly known Arfak Stout-tailed Snake, Calamophis sharonbrooksae Murphy, 2012 (Serpentes: Colubroidea: Homalopsidae), from the Vogelkop Peninsula of Indonesian West New Guinea, with comments on the taxonomic history of primitive homalopsids. Mark O'Shea, Hinrich Kaiser. General Section: pages 1–10 (e122).
Download: High Res, 1.91 MB | Low Res, 574 KB - Notes on natural history and call description of the Critically Endangered Plectrohyla avia (Anura: Hylidae) from Chiapas, Mexico. César L. Barrio-Amorós, Christoph I. Grünwald, Héctor Franz-Chávez, Ángela María Mendoza, Brandon Thomas La Forest. General Section: pages 11–17 (e123).
Download: High Res, 3.83 MB | Low Res, 665 KB - First population assessment of the endemic insular Psychedelic Rock Gecko (Cnemaspis psychedelica) in southern Vietnam with implications for conservation. Hai Ngoc Ngo, Truong Quang Nguyen, Tan Van Nguyen, Frank Barsch, Thomas Ziegler, Mona van Schingen. General Section: pages 18–26 (e124).
Download: High Res, 7.12 MB | Low Res, 742 KB - A record of the Balkan Stripe-necked Terrapin, Mauremys rivulata (Testudines: Geomydidae) from the Azov Sea Coast in Crimea. Oleg V. Kukushkin, Daniel Jablonski. General Section: pages 27–29 (e129).
Download: High Res, 1.45 MB | Low Res, 435 KB - Range extension and some morphological characteristics of Ptychoglossus brevifrontalis, Boulenger, 1912 (Squamata: Alopoglossidae) in Suriname. Rawien Jairam, Sabitrie Jairam-Doerga. General Section: pages 30–33 (e127).
Download: High Res, 1.83 MB | Low Res, 444 KB
Venezuela and Peru (No. 18) | Volume 10, Number 1
- Cover Page.
Download: High Res, 1.26 MB | Low Res, 160 KB - Confirming the presence of Clelia equatoriana Amaral, 1924 (Squamata: Dipsadidae) in Peru. Juan C. Chávez-Arribasplata, Diego Vásquez, Claudia Torres, Lourdes Y. Echevarría, Pablo J. Venegas. Special Section: pages 1–4 (e113).
Download: High Res, 1.50 MB | Low Res, 418 KB - On the distribution and conservation of two "Lost World" tepui summit endemic frogs, Stefania ginesi Rivero, 1968 and S. satelles Senñaris, Ayarzagüena, and Gorzula, 1997. Philippe J.R. Kok, Valerio G. Russo, Sebastian Ratz, Fabien Aubret. Special Section: pages 5–12 (e115).
Download: High Res, 3.48 MB | Low Res, 613 KB - New records of the Critically Endangered frog Pristimantis pardalinus (Craugastoridae) in the eastern Andean slopes of central Peru. Rudolf von May. Special Section: pages 13–16 (e117).
Download: High Res, 1.34 MB | Low Res, 578 KB - New distributional records of the Amazon River Frog Lithobates palmipes (Spix, 1824) in Peru. Roy Santa-Cruz, J. Amanda Delgado C., Cinthya Y. Salas, Rudolf von May. Special Section: pages 17–20 (e118).
Download: High Res, 2.68 MB | Low Res, 526 KB - A new species of Andean microteiid lizard (Gymnophthalmidae: Cercosaurinae: Pholidobolus) from Peru, with comments on P. vertebralis. Pablo J. Venegas, Lourdes Y. Echevarría, Simón E. Lobos, Pedro M. Sales Nunes, Omar Torres-Carvajal. Special Section: pages 21–33 (e121).
Download: High Res, 5.20 MB | Low Res, 697 KB - New records, range extension and call description for the streambreeding frog Hyloscirtus lascinius (Rivero, 1970) in Venezuela. Fernando J.M. Rojas-Runjaic, Edwin E. Infante-Rivero, César L. Barrio-Amorós. Special Section: pages 34–39 (e130).
Download: High Res, 2.43 MB | Low Res, 519 KB - Monitoring a population of Cruziohyla craspedopus (Funkhouser, 1957) using an artificial breeding habitat. Clare Turrell, Brian Crnobrna, Marnie Smith-Bessen. General Section: pages 1–6 (e112).
Download: High Res, 1.28 MB | Low Res, 933 KB - Epidemiological surveillance and amphibian assemblage status at the Estación Experimental de San Lorenzo, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. Luis Alberto Rueda-Solano, Sandra V. Flechas, María Galvis-Aparicio, Andres A. Rocha-Usuga, Edgar Javier Rincón Barón, Borish Cuadrado-Peña, Rebeca Franke-Ante. General Section: pages 7–19 (e114).
Download: High Res, 4.09 MB | Low Res, 715 KB - Tadpoles, froglets, and conservation: A discussion of basic principles of rearing and release procedures. Joseph R. Mendelson III, Ronald Altig. General Section: pages 20–27 (e116).
Download: High Res, 598 KB | Low Res, 428 KB - A new case of facultative paedomorphosis in Smooth Newts, Lissotriton vulgaris (Caudata: Salamandridae), in Turkey. Dilara Kizil, Îlhan Bayryam Ismail, Anthony Olivier, Kerim Çiçek. General Section: pages 28–33 (e119).
Download: High Res, 1.99 MB | Low Res, 520 KB - First population assessment of two cryptic Tiger Geckos (Goniurosaurus) from northern Vietnam: Implications for conservation. Hai Ngoc Ngo, Thomas Ziegler, Truong Quang Nguyen, Cuong The Pham, Tao Thien Nguyen, Minh Duc Le, Mona van Schingen. General Section: pages 34–45 (e120).
Download: High Res, 4.72 MB | Low Res, 637 KB
Africa (No. 17) | Volume 9, Number 2
Download: Size, 21.2 MB - Cover Page.
Download: High Res, 1.07 MB | Low Res, 116 KB - Table of Contents. Page: Back Cover.
Download: Size, 170 KB - Administration. Page: Inside front cover.
Download: Size, 134 KB - The anuran fauna of a West African urban area. N’Goran Germain Kouamé, Caleb Ofori-Boateng, Gilbert Baase Adum, Germain Gourène, Mark-Oliver Rödel. Special Section: pages 1–14 (e106).
Download: High Res, 4.20 MB | Low Res, 700 KB - The reptiles of the summits of Mont Oku and the Bamenda Highlands, Cameroon. Ivan Ineich, Matthew Lebreton, Nathalie Lhermitte-Vallarino, Laurent Chirio. Special Section: pages 15–38 (e108).
Download: High Res, 7.79 MB | Low Res, 935 KB - The snakes of Niger. Jean-François Trape, Youssouph Mané. Special Section: pages 39–55 (e110).
Download: High Res, 3.42 MB | Low Res, 728 KB - The tadpoles of eight West and Central African Leptopelis species (Amphibia: Anura: Arthroleptidae). Michael F. Barej, Tilo Pfalzgraff, Mareike Hirschfeld, H. Christoph Liedtke, Johannes Penner, Nono L. Gonwouo, Matthias Dahmen, Franziska Grözinger, Andreas Schmitz, Mark-Oliver Rödel. Special Section: pages 56–84 (e111).
Download: High Res, 7.40 MB | Low Res, 1.23 MB - A conservation reassessment of the Central American herpetofauna based on the EVS measure. Jerry D. Johnson, Vicente Mata-Silva, Larry David Wilson. General Section: pages 1–94 (e100).
Download: High Res, 17.00 MB | Low Res, 1.83 MB - First report of the salamanders Bolitoglossa leandrae and B. tamaense (Urodela, Plethodontidae) for Venezuela. César L. Barrio-Amorós, Andrés Chacón-Ortiz, Fernando J.M. Rojas-Runjaic. General Section: pages 95–99 (e101).
Download: High Res, 2.28 MB | Low Res, 457 KB - Breeding and rearing the Critically Endangered Lake Oku Clawed Frog (Xenopus longipes Loumont and Kobel 1991). Christopher J. Michaels, Benjamin Tapley, Luke Harding, Zoe Bryant, Sebastian Grant, George Sunter, Iri Gill, Oscar Nyingchia, Thomas Doherty-Bonec. General Section: pages 100–110 (e102).
Download: High Res, 2.15 MB | Low Res, 565 KB - Notes on the natural history and morphology of the Ningshan Lined Snake (Stichophanes ningshaanensis Yuen, 1983; Ophidia: Colubridae) and its distribution in the Shennongjia National Nature Reserve, China. Kevin R. Messenger, Yong Wang. General Section: pages 111–119 (e103).
Download: High Res, 5.17 MB | Low Res, 699 KB - On the distribution, taxonomy, and natural history of the Indian Smooth Snake, Coronella brachyura (Günther, 1866). Harshil Patel, Raju Vyas, Shantilal K. Tank. General Section: pages 120–125 (e104).
Download: High Res, 2.00 MB | Low Res, 554 KB
Peru (No. 16) | Volume 9, Number 1
Download: Size, 7.70 MB - Cover Page.
Download: High Res, 1.46 MB | Low Res, 142 KB - Table of Contents. Page: Back Cover.
Download: Size, 181 KB - Administration. Page: Inside front cover.
Download: Size, 134 KB - A new species of Andean lizard Proctoporus (Squamata: Gymnophthalmidae) from montane forest of the Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu, Peru. Luis Mamani, Noemí Goicoechea, Juan C. Chaparro. Special Section: pages 1–11 (e96).
Download: High Res, 5.79 MB | Low Res, 873 KB - Noblella lynchi Duellman 1991 (Anura: Craugastoridae): Geographic range extension, Peru. Daniel Rodríguez. Special Section: pages 12–14 (e99).
Download: High Res, 2.65 MB - Two new species of frogs of the genus Phrynopus (Anura: Terrarana: Craugastoridae) from the Peruvian Andes. Germán Chávez, Roy Santa-Cruz, Daniel Rodriguez, Edgar Lehr. Special Section: pages 15–25 (e105).
Download: High Res, 7.14 MB | Low Res, 630 KB - A new elusive species of Petracola (Squamata: Gymnophthalmidae) from the Utcubamba basin in the Andes of northern Peru. Lourdes Y. Echevarría, Pablo J. Venegas. Special Section: pages 26–33 (e107).
Download: High Res, 2.60 MB | Low Res, 574 KB - A new species of montane gymnophthalmid lizard, genus Cercosaura (Squamata: Gymnophthalmidae), from the Amazon slope of northern Peru. Lourdes Y. Echevarría, Andy C. Barboza, Pablo J. Venegas. Special Section: pages 34–44 (e109).
Download: High Res, 4.22 MB | Low Res, 662 KB - A new species of Anolis (Squamata: Iguanidae) from Panama. Steven Poe, Simon Scarpetta, Eric W. Schaad. General Section: pages 1–13 (e94).
Download: High Res, 4.42 MB | Low Res, 680 KB - A single species of mangrove monitor (Varanus) occupies Ambon, Seram, Buru and Saparua, Moluccas, Indonesia. Valter Weijola, Samuel S. Sweet. General Section: pages 14–23 (e95).
Download: High Res, 5.07 MB | Low Res, 690 KB - Fowler's Toad (Anaxyrus fowleri) occupancy in the southern mid-Atlantic, USA. Kara S. Jones, Todd A. Tupper. General Section: pages 24–33 (e97).
Download: High Res, 1.68 MB | Low Res, 546 KB - Two new species of the genus Cylindrophis Wagler, 1828 (Squamata: Cylindrophiidae) from Southeast Asia. A.A. Thasun Amarasinghe, Patrick D. Campbell, Jakob Hallermann, Irvan Sidik, Jatna Supriatna, Ivan Ineich. General Section: pages 34–51 (e98).
Download: High Res, 4.34 MB | Low Res, 926 KB
Colombia (No. 15) | Volume 8, Number 2
Download: Size, 15.0 MB - Cover Page.
Download: High Res, 989 KB | Low Res, 129 KB - Table of Contents. Page: Back Cover.
Download: Size, 166 KB - Administration. Page: Inside front cover.
Download: Size, 134 KB - Conservation status of the herpetofauna, protected areas, and current problems in Valle del Cauca, Colombia. Alejandro Valencia-Zuleta, Andrés Felipe Jaramillo-Martínez, Andrea Echeverry-Bocanegra, Ronald Viáfara-Vega, Oscar Hernández-Córdoba, Victoria E. Cardona-Botero, Jaime Gutiérrez-Zúñiga, Fernando Castro-Herrera. Special Section: pages 1–18, S1–S24 (e87).
Download: High Res, 9.10 MB | Low Res, 1.16 MB | S1-S24 (Supplement), 2.68 MB - On Trimeresurus sumatranus (Raffles, 1822), with the designation of a neotype and the description of a new species of pitviper from Sumatra (Squamata: Viperidae: Crotalinae). Gernot Vogel, Patrick David, Irvan Sidik. General Section: pages 1–29 (e80).
Download: High Res, 12.65 MB | Low Res, 1.28 MB - Field surveys in Western Panama indicate populations of Atelopus varius frogs are persisting in regions where Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis is now enzootic. Rachel Perez, Corinne L. Richards-Zawacki, Alexander R. Krohn, Matthew Robak, Edgardo J. Griffith, Heidi Ross, Brian Gratwicke, Roberto Ibáñez, Jamie Voyles. General Section: pages 30–35 (e85).
Download: High Res, 1.94 MB | Low Res, 503 KB - Confirmation of introduced Louisiana pinesnakes, Pituophis ruthveni, in Florida based on molecular analyses. Kenneth L. Krysko, Dustin C. Smith, Michael R. Rochford, Guy N. Kieckhefer III, Leroy P. Nuñez. General Section: pages 36–43 (e86).
Download: High Res, 3.75 MB | Low Res, 595 KB
Ecuador (No. 14) | Volume 8, Number 1
Download: Size, 14.3 MB - Cover Page.
Download: High Res, 1.64 MB | Low Res, 154 KB - Table of Contents. Page: Back Cover.
Download: Size, 203 KB - Administration. Page: Inside front cover.
Download: Size, 134 KB - Rediscovery of Andinophryne olallai Hoogmoed, 1985 (Anura, Bufonidae), an enigmatic and endangered Andean toad. Ryan L. Lynch, Sebastian Kohn, Fernando Ayala-Varela, Paul S. Hamilton, Santiago R. Ron. Special Section: pages 1–7 (e75).
Download: High Res, 3.92 MB | Low Res, 602 KB - A new Andean anole species of the Dactyloa clade (Squamata: Iguanidae) from western Ecuador. Fernando P. Ayala-Varela, Diana Troya-Rodríguez, Xiomara Talero-Rodríguez, Omar Torres-Carvajal. Special Section: pages 8–24 (e76).
Download: High Res, 7.55 MB | Low Res, 991 KB - Reproduction and spawning behavior in the frog, Engystomops pustulatus (Shreve 1941). Santiago R. Ron, Andrea E. Narváez, Giovanna E. Romero. Special Section: pages 25–32 (e79).
Download: High Res, 1.19 MB | Low Res, 668 KB - High prevalence of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in an Andean frog community (Reserva Las Gralarias, Ecuador). Juan M. Guayasamin, Ángela María Mendoza, Ana V. Longo, Kelly R. Zamudio, Elisa Bonaccorso. Special Section: pages 33–44 (e81).
Download: High Res, 1.16 MB | Low Res, 495 KB - Overview of the herpetofauna of the unexplored Cordillera del Cóndor of Ecuador. Ana Almendáriz, John E. Simmons, Jorge Brito, Jorge Vaca-Guerrero. Special Section: pages 45–64 (e82).
Download: High Res, 6.28 MB | Low Res, 792 KB - Herpetofaunal community of a high canopy tank bromeliad (Aechmea zebrina) in the Yasuní Biosphere Reserve of Amazonian Ecuador, with comments on the use of “arboreal” in the herpetological literature. Shawn F. McCracken, Michael R.J. Forstner. Special Section: pages 65–75 (e83).
Download: High Res, 2.47 MB | Low Res, 809 KB - A new species of Pholidobolus (Squamata: Gymnophthalmidae) from the Andes of southern Ecuador. Omar Torres-Carvajal, Pablo J. Venegas, Simón E. Lobos, Paola Mafla-Endara, Pedro M. Sales Nunes. Special Section: pages 76–88 (e84).
Download: High Res, 12.5 MB | Low Res, 713 KB - Early development of the glass frogs Hyalinobatrachium fleischmanni and Espadarana callistomma (Anura: Centrolenidae) from cleavage to tadpole hatching. María-José Salazar-Nicholls, Eugenia M. del Pino. Special Section: pages 89–106 (e88).
Download: High Res, 6.58 MB | Low Res, 1.19 MB - A new species and country record of threadsnakes (Serpentes: Leptotyphlopidae: Epictinae) from northern Ecuador. David Salazar-Valenzuela, Angele Martins, Luis Amador-Oyola, Omar Torres-Carvajal. Special Section: pages 107–120 (e89).
Download: High Res, 6.58 MB | Low Res, 1.19 MB - Development and gastrulation in Hyloxalus vertebralis and Dendrobates auratus (Anura: Dendrobatidae). Francisca Hervas, Karina P. Torres, Paola Montenegro-Larrea, Eugenia M. del Pino. Special Section: pages 121–135 (e90).
Download: High Res, 7.96 MB | Low Res, 1.00 MB - Short Communication—First records of Anolis ventrimaculatus Boulenger, 1911 (Squamata: Iguanidae) in Ecuador. Fernando Ayala-Varela, Julián A. Velasco, Martha Calderón-Espinosa, Alejandro F. Arteaga, Yerka Sagredo, Sebastián Valverde. Special Section: pages 136–140 (e91).
Download: High Res, 1.13 MB | Low Res, 474 KB - Book Review—The Amphibians and Reptiles of Mindo: Life in the Cloudforest. Howard O. Clark, Jr., Craig Hassapakis. Special Section: pages 141–142 (e93).
Download: High Res, 814 KB - A survey for the Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus; Blanchard, 1871) in the Qinghai Province. Todd W. Pierson, YAN Fang, WANG Yunyu, Theodore Papenfuss. General Section: pages 1–6 (e74).
Download: High Res, 4.45 MB | Low Res, 491 KB - The importance of enrichment for advancing amphibian welfare and conservation goals: A review of a neglected topic. Christopher J. Michaels, J. Roger Downie, Roisin Campbell-Palmer. General Section: pages 7–23 (e77).
Download: High Res, 648 KB | Low Res, 487 KB - Caatinga Ethnoherpetology: Relationships between herpetofauna and people in a semiarid region of northeastern Brazil. Lívia Emanuelle Tavares Mendonça, Washington Luiz Silva Vieira, Rômulo Romeu Nóbrega Alves. General Section: pages 24–32 (e78).
Download: High Res, 718 KB | Low Res, 468 KB - Amphibians and reptiles of an agroforestry system in the Colombian Caribbean. Oscar Angarita-M., Andrés Camilo Montes-Correa, Juan Manuel Renjifo. General Section: pages 33–52 (e92).
Download: High Res, 2.23 MB | Low Res, 622 KB
Special Mexico Issue (No. 13) | Volume 7, Number 1
Download: Size, 25.6 MB - Cover Page.
Download: High Res, 3.13 MB | Low Res, 492 KB - Table of Contents. Page: Back Cover.
Download: Size, 126 KB - Administration, journal information (Instructions to Authors), and copyright notice. Page: Inside front cover.
Download: Size, 173 KB - Preface. Pages: i–ii (e62).
Download: Size, 236 KB - Dedications. Pages: iii–vi (e64).
Download: High Res, 2.24 MB | Low Res, 427 KB - A conservation reassessment of the reptiles of Mexico based on the EVS measure. Larry David Wilson, Vicente Mata-Silva, Jerry D. Johnson. Pages: 1–47 (e61).
Download: High Res, 15.2 MB | Low Res, 1.40 MB - A taxonomic reevaluation and conservation assessment of the common cantil, Agkistrodon bilineatus (Squamata: Viperidae): a race against time. Louis W. Porras, Larry D. Wilson, Gordon W. Schuett, Randall S. Reiserer. Pages: 48–73 (e63).
Download: High Res, 3.09 MB | Low Res, 857 KB - Taxonomic reassessment and conservation status of the beaded lizard, Heloderma horridum (Squamata: Helodermatidae). Randall S. Reiserer, Gordon W. Schuett, Daniel D. Beck. Pages: 74–96 (e67).
Download: High Res, 3.74 MB | Low Res, 837 KB - A conservation reassessment of the amphibians of Mexico based on the EVS measure. Larry D. Wilson, Jerry D. Johnson, Vincente Mata-Silva. Pages: 97–127 (e69).
Download: High Res, 2.65 MB | Low Res, 1.05 MB - Patterns of physiographic distribution and conservation status of the herpetofauna of Michoacán, Mexico. Javier Alvarado-Díaz, Ireri Suazo-Ortuño, Larry D. Wilson, Oscar Medina-Aguilar. Pages: 128–170 (e71).
Download: High Res, 3.98 MB | Low Res, 1.75 MB
Neurergus (No. 12) | Volume 6, Number 4
Download: Size, 17.1 MB - Cover Page.
Download: High Res, 762 KB | Low Res, 116 KB - Table of Contents. Page: Back Cover.
Download: Size, 119 KB - Administration, journal information (Instructions to Authors), and copyright notice. Page: Inside front cover.
Download: Size, 164 KB - Sexual size dimorphism in Neurergus kaiseri (Caudata: Salamandridae) in south-western Zagros Mountains, Iran. Mozafar Sharifi, Hossein Farasat, Somaye Vaissi. Pages: 1–8 (e48).
Download: High Res, 1.31 MB | Low Res, 657 KB - Conservation biology, husbandry, and captive breeding of the endemic Anatolia newt, Neurergus strauchii Steindachner (1887) (Amphibia: Caudata: Salamandridae). Sergé Bogaerts, Henry Janssen, Jennifer Macke, Gunter Schultschik, Kristina Ernst, François Maillet, Christoph Bork, Frank Pasmans, Patrick Wisniewski. Pages: 9–29 (e53).
Download: High Res, 8.38 MB | Low Res, 1.03 MB - Ecology of Kurdistan newt (Neurergus microspilotus: Salamandridae): Population and conservation with an appraisal of the potential impact of urbanization. Nasrullah Rastegar-Pouyani, Mohsen Takesh, Akbar Fattahi, Marzieh Sadeghi, Fatemeh Khorshidi, Robert K Browne. Pages: 30–35 (e58).
Download: High Res, 648 KB | Low Res, 485 KB - Rediscovery of the Lake Urmia newt, Neurergus crocatus Cope, 1862 (Caudata: Salamandridae) in northwestern Iran after 150 years. Elnaz Najafi-Majd, Ugur Kaya. Pages: 36–41 (e59).
Download: High Res, 3.71 MB | Low Res, 590 KB - [SPECIAL NOTE: RETRACTED AUGUST 2013]. New localities of the Kurdistan newt Neurergus microspilotus and Lake Urmia newt Neurergus crocatus (Caudata: Salamandridae) in Iraq. Omar Fadhil Al-Sheikhly, Iyad A. Nader, Nasrullah Rastegar-Pouyani, Robert K. Browne. Pages: 42–48 (e68).
Download: Size, 2.83 MB
Volume 6, Number 3—Never published
No. 11 | Volume 6, Number 2
Download: Size, 12.6 MB - Cover Page.
Download: High Res, 1.43 MB | Low Res, 780 KB - Table of Contents. Page: Back Cover.
Download: Size, 127 KB - Administration, journal information (Instructions to Authors), and copyright notice. Page: Inside front cover.
Download: Size, 167 KB - New records of the Diced snake (Natrix tessellata), in the Suez Canal zone and Sinai. Adel A. Ibrahim. Pages: 2–4 (e42).
Download: High Res, 1.36 MB | Low Res, 425 KB - Books to Read. Craig Hassapakis. Pages: 5–8 (e40).
Download: High Res, 1.20 MB | Low Res, 342 KB - Field notes on findings of threatened amphibian species in the central mountain range of western Panama. Andreas Hertz, Sebastian Lotzkat, Arcadio Carrizo, Marcos Ponce, Gunther Köhler, Bruno Streit. Pages: 9–30 (e46).
Download: High Res, 6.48 MB | Low Res, 1.14 MB - Habitat associations and conservation of Eremias acutirostris (Boulenger, 1887) in the Sistan region, Zabol, Iran. Seyyed Saeed Hosseinian Yousefkhani, Hamzeh Oraie, Azar Khosravani, Eskandar Rastegar-Pouyani. Pages: 31–34 (e60).
Download: High Res, 1.81 MB | Low Res, 478 KB - New country record and range extension of Eremias suphani Başoǧlu & Hellmich, 1968 from Iran. Eskandar Rastegar-Pouyani, Aziz Avci, Yusuf Kumlutaş, Çetin Ilgaz, Seyyed Saeed Hosseinian Yousefkhani. Pages: 35–39 (e73).
Download: High Res, 1.40 MB | Low Res, 508 KB
Varanus (No. 10) | Volume 6, Number 1
Download: Size, 13.8 MB - Cover Page.
Download: High Res, 1.38 MB | Low Res, 146 KB - Table of Contents. Page: Back Cover.
Download: Size, 65.3 KB - Administration, journal information (Instructions to Authors), and copyright notice. Page: Inside front cover.
Download: Size, 180 KB - Can humans share spaceship earth? Eric R. Pianka. Pages: 1–24 (e49).
Download: High Res, 12.0 MB | Low Res, 1.33 MB
Giant Salamanders (No. 9) | Volume 5, Number 4
Download: Size, 8.83 MB - Cover Page.
Download: High res, 398 KB | Low Res, 132 KB - Table of Contents. Page: Back Cover.
Download: Size, 111 KB - Administration, journal information (Instructions to Authors), and copyright notice. Page: Inside front cover.
Download: Size, 165 KB - Survey techniques for giant salamanders (Cryptobranchidae) and other aquatic Caudata. Robert K. Browne, Hong Li, Dale McGinnity, Sumio Okada, Wang Zhenghuan, Catherine M. Bodinof, Kelly J. Irwin, Amy McMillan, Jeffrey T. Briggler. Pages: 1–16 (e34).
Download: High Res, 2.85 MB | Low Res, 767 KB - The giant salamanders (Cryptobranchidae): Part A. palaeontology, phylogeny, genetics, and morphology. Robert K. Browne, Hong Li, Zhenghuan Wang, Paul M. Hime, Amy McMillan, Minyao Wu, Raul Diaz, Zhang Hongxing, Dale McGinnity, Jeffrey T. Briggler. Pages: 17–29 (e54).
Download: High Res, 1.93 MB | Low Res, 704 KB - In vitro culture of skin cells from biopsies from the Critically Endangered Chinese giant salamander, Andrias davidianus (Blanchard, 1871) (Amphibia, Caudata, Cryptobranchidae). Sarah Strauß, Thomas Ziegler, Christina Allmeling, Kerstin Reimers, Natalie Frank-Klein, Robert Seuntjens, Peter M. Vogt. Pages: 51–63 (e66).
Download: High Res, 3.55 MB | Low Res, 732 KB
Conservation Breeding Programs (No. 8) | Volume 5, Number 3
Download: Size, 23.7 MB - Cover Page.
Download: High Res, 215 KB | Low Res, 107 KB - Table of Contents. Page: Back Cover.
Download: Size, 142 KB - Administration, journal information (Instructions to Authors), and copyright notice. Page: Inside front cover.
Download: Size, 165 KB - Zoo-based amphibian research and Conservation Breeding Programs (CBPs). Robert K. Browne, Katja Wolfram, Gerardo Garcia, Mikhail F. Bagaturov, Zjef J.J.M. Pereboom. Pages: 1–14 (e28).
Download: High Res, 3.12 MB | Low Res, 637 KB - Husbandry, captive breeding, larval development and stages of the Malayan horned frog Megophrys nasuta (Schlegel, 1858) (Amphibia: Anura: Megophryidae). Marlen Wildenhues, Anna Rauhaus, Rike Bach, Detlef Karbe, Karin Van Der Straeten, Stefen T. Hertwig, Thomas Ziegler. Pages: 15–28 (e43).
Download: High Res, 4.86 MB | Low Res, 722 KB - Is there a chance for conservation breeding? Ex situ management, reproduction, and early life stages of the Harlequin toad Atelopus flavescens Duméril & Bibron, 1841 (Amphibia: Anura: Bufonidae). Anna Gawor, Anna Rauhaus, Detlef Karbe, Karin Van Der Straeten, Stefan Lötters, Thomas Ziegler. Pages: 29–44 (e50).
Download: High Res, 7.44 MB | Low Res, 780 KB - The conservation breeding of two foot-flagging frog species from Borneo, Staurois parvus and Staurois guttatus. Doris Preininger, Anton Weissenbacher, Thomas Wampula, Walter Hödl. Pages: 45–56 (e51).
Download: High Res, 4.00 MB | Low Res, 789 KB - Building capacity to implement conservation breeding programs for frogs in Madagascar: Results from year one of Mitsinjo's amphibian husbandry research and captive breeding facility. Devin Edmonds, Justin C. Rakotoarisoa, Rainer Dolch, Jennifer Pramuk, Ron Gagliardo, Franco Andreone, Nirhy Rabibisoa, Falitiana Rabemananjara, Sahondra Rabesihanaka, Eric Robsomanitrandrasana. Pages: 57–69 (e55).
Download: High Res, 7.91 MB | Low Res, 876 KB - Captive management and breeding of the Critically Endangered Southern Corroboree Frog (Pseudophryne corroboree) (Moore 1953) at Taronga and Melbourne Zoos. Michael McFadden, Raelene Hobbs, Gerry Marantelli, Peter Harlow, Chris Banks, David Hunter. Pages: 70–87 (e72).
Download: High Res, 3.54 MB | Low Res, 645 KB
Sri Lanka (No. 7) | Volume 5, Number 2
Download: Size, 40.3 MB - Cover Page.
Download: High Res, 1.28 MB | Low Res, 115 KB - Table of Contents. Page: Back Cover.
Download: Size, 141 KB - Administration, journal information (Instructions to Authors), and copyright notice. Page: Inside front cover.
Download: Size, 169 KB - The herpetofauna of a small and unprotected patch of tropical rainforest in Morningside, Sri Lanka. Peter Janzen, Malaka Bopage. Pages: 1–13 (e26).
Download: High Res, 6.31 MB | Low Res, 906 KB - Predator-induced plasticity in tadpoles of Polypedates cruciger (Anura: Rhacophoridae). Krishan Ariyasiri, Gayan Bowatte, Udeni Menike, Suyama Meegaskumbura, Madhava Meegaskumbura. Pages: 14–21 (e29).
Download: High Res, 1.75 MB | Low Res, 551 KB - Morphology and ecology of Microhyla rubra (Anura: Microhylidae) tadpoles from Sri Lanka. Gayan Bowatte, Madhava Meegaskumbura. Pages: 22–32 (e30).
Download: High Res, 5.83 MB | Low Res, 970 KB - Conservation of biodiversity in a hotspot: Sri Lanka's amphibians and reptiles. Walter R. Erdelen. Pages: 33–51 (e37).
Download: High Res, 5.95 MB | Low Res, 773 KB - Range extension for Duttaphrynus kotagamai (Amphibia: Bufonidae) and a preliminary checklist of herpetofauna from the Uda Mäliboda Trail in Samanala Nature Reserve, Sri Lanka. Indika Peabotuwage, I. Nuwan Bandara, Dinal Samarasinghe, Nirmala Perera, Majintha Madawala, Chamara Amarasinghe, H. K. Dushantha Kandambi, D. M. S. Suranjan Karunarathna. Pages: 52–64 (e38).
Download: High Res, 8.30 MB | Low Res, 842 KB - Herpetofaunal diversity and distribution in Kalugala proposed forest reserve, Western province of Sri Lanka. W. Madhava, S. Botejue, Jayantha Wattavidanage. Pages: 65–80 (e39).
Download: High Res, 18.8 MB | Low Res, 1.30 MB - Herpetofauna in the Kaluganga upper catchment of the Knuckles Forest Reserve, Sri Lanka. V.A.M.P.K. Samarawickrama, D.R.N.S. Samarawickrama, Shalika Kumburegama. Pages: 81–89 (e41).
Download: High Res, 6.41 MB | Low Res, 706 KB - Calotes nigrilabris Peters, 1860 (Reptilia: Agamidae: Draconinae): a threatened highland agamid lizard in Sri Lanka. A.A. Thasun Amarasinghe, Franz Tiedemann, D.M.S. Suranjan Karunarathna. Pages: 90–100 (e32).
Download: High Res, 4.39 MB | Low Res, 693 KB - Territorial and site fidelity behavior of Lyriocephalus scutatus (Agamidae: Draconinae) in Sri Lanka. Imesh Nuwan Bandara. Pages: 101–113 (e56).
Download: High Res, 6.94 MB | Low Res, 808 KB - Habitat preferences of the endemic shrub frog Pseudophilautus regius (Manamendra-Arachchi and Pethiyagoda 2005) at Mihintale Sanctuary, Sri Lanka. Duminda S.B. Dissanayake, Supun Mindika Wellappuli-Arachchi. Pages: 114–124 (e57).
Download: High Res, 9.70 MB | Low Res, 0.98 MB
Iran (No. 6) | Volume 5, Number 1
Download: Size, 12.4 MB - Cover Page.
Download: High Res, 570 KB | Low Res, 136 KB - Table of Contents. Page: Back Cover.
Download: Size, 146 KB - Administration, journal information (Instructions to Authors), and copyright notice. Page: Inside front cover.
Download: Size, 1.71 KB - Editorial. Craig Hassapakis and Howard O. Clark, Jr. Page: i (e48).
Download: Size, 1.75 KB - Guest Editorial. Steven C. Anderson. Page: ii (e52).
Download: Size, 1.87 KB - Distribution of Hemidactylus geckos (Reptilia, Gekkonidae) in Fars Province, Southern Iran. Ali Gholamifard, Nasrullah Rastegar-Pouyani. Pages: 1–6 (e19).
Download: High Res, 1.08 MB | Low Res, 523 KB - On the occurance of ectoparasitic ticks on Trachylepis and Eumeces (Reptilia: Scincidae) in Iran. Hiva Faizi, Nasrullah Rastegar-Pouyani, Reza Yarani. Pages: 7–10 (e20).
Download: High Res, 1.63 MB | Low Res, 489 KB - A new record of Eremias montanus, Rastegar-Pouyani & Rastegar-Pouyani, 2001 (Sauria: Lacertidae) from Kudistan Privince, Western Iran. Zahed Bahmani, Nasrullah Rastegar-Pouyani, Ahmad Gharzi. Pages: 11–14 (e21).
Download: High Res, 1.21 MB | Low Res, 481 KB - Sexual dimorphism in Trapelus ruderatus ruderatus (Sauria: Agamidae) with notes on the natural history. Bezad Fathinia, Nasrullah Rastegar-Pouyani. Pages: 15–22 (e22).
Download: High Res, 3.48 MB | Low Res, 617 KB - A new species of Ophiomorus (Squamata: Scincidae) from Maranjab Desert, Isfahan Province, Iran with a revised key to the genus. Seyed Mahdi Kazemi, Masood Farhadi Qomi, Haji Gholi Kami, Steven Clement Anderson. Pages: 23–33 (e23).
Download: High Res, 3.78 MB | Low Res, 646 KB - Notes on the natural history and distribution of Carinatogecko stevenandersoni Torki, 2011. Reza Sadeghi, Farhang Torki. Pages: 34–36 (e24).
Download: High Res, 893 KB | Low Res, 380 KB - A brief history and current status of herpetology in Iran. Nasrullah Rastegar-Pouyani, Hiwa Faizi, Hamzeh Oraei, Azar Khosravani, Behzad Fathinia, Nastaran Heidari, Rasoul Karamiani, Eskandar Rastegar-Pouyani. Pages: 37–46 (e25).
Download: Size, 4.30 MB | Low Res, 815 KB - Sexual dimorphism in Carinatogecko heteropholis (Minton, Anderson, and Anderson, 1970) (Sauria: Gekkonidae) from Ilam Province, western Iran. Bezad Fathinia, Nasrullah Rastegar-Pouyani. Pages: 47–53 (e27).
Download: High Res, 2.49 MB | Low Res, 543 KB - Additional information on Misonne's swollen-nose gecko, Rhinogecko misonnei de Witte, 1973 (Squamata, Geckonidae) in Iran. Naeim Moradi, Soheil A. Shafiei, Hadi Fahimi, Siamak Bromand. Pages: 54–60 (e31).
Download: High Res, 4.61 MB | Low Res, 593 KB - A new species of Carinatogecko (Sauria: Gekkonidae) from Ilam Province, western Iran. Behzad Fathinia, Rasoul Karamiani, Hamid Darvishnia, Naghi Heidari, Nasrullah Rastegar-Pouyani. Pages: 61–74 (e33).
Download: High Res, 8.71 MB | Low Res, 871 KB - Analysis of sexual dimorphism in the Persian long-tailed desert lizard, Mesalina watsonana (Stoliczka, 1872; Sauria: Lacertidae). Hamzeh Oraie, Azar Khosravani, Nasrullah Rastegar-Pouyani, Sayed Kamran Ghoreishi. Pages: 75–87 (e35).
Download: High Res, 2.02 MB | Low Res, 524 KB - New record of the Western leopard gecko, Eublepharis angramainyu Anderson & Leviton, 1966 (Sauria: Eublepharidae) from southeastern Iran. Naeim Moradi, Soheila Shafiei. Pages: 88–91 (e36).
Download: High Res, 3.87 MB | Low Res, 570 KB - Sexual size dimorphism in Rana (Pelophylax) ridibunda ridibunda Pallas, 1771 from a population in Darr-Shahr Township, Ilam Province, western Iran. Behzad Fathinia, Nasrullah Rastegar-Pouyani, Hamid Darvishnia, Hussein Mohamadi, Hiva Faizi. Pages: 92–97 (e44).
Download: High res, 1.05 MB | Low Res, 465 KB - Notes on reproduction and conservation of Testudo graeca ibera Pallas 1814 (Reptilia: Testudinidae) in Zagros, western Iran. Reza Sadeghi, Farhang Torki. Pages: 98–104 (e45).
Download: High Res, 4.89 MB | Low Res, 684 KB - Book Review of The Wildlife Techniques Manual. Howard O. Clark, Jr. Pages: 105–107 (e47).
Download: High Res, 674 KB | Low Res, 327 KB
No. 5 | Volume 4
- Cover Page.
Download: Size, 5.31 MB - Crocker Range National Park, Sabah, as a refuge for Borneo's montane herpetofauna. Indraneil Das. Pages: 3–11 (e15).
Download: Size, 527 KB - A Brazilian anuran (Hylodes magalhaesi: Leptodactylidae) infected by Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis: a conservation concern. L.F. Toledo, C.F.B. Haddad, A.C.O.Q. Carnaval, F.B. Britto. Pages: 17–21 (e17).
Download: Size, 157 KB - Biodiversity in a forest island: reptiles and amphibians of the West African Togo Hills. Adam D. Leaché, Mark-Oliver Rödel, Charles W. Linkem, Raul E. Diaz, Annika Hillers, Matthew K. Fujita. Pages: 22–45 (e18).
Download: Size, 1.66 MB - Land use and anuran biodiversity in southeast Kansas, USA. Lewis R. Anderson, Joseph A. Arruda. Pages: 46–59 (e14).
Download: Size, 908 KB - Conservation of amphibians and reptiles in Indonesia: issues and problems. Djoko T. Iskandar, Walter R. Erdelen. Pages: 60–87 (e16).
Download: Size, 0.98 MB
Honduras (No. 4) | Volume 3, Number 1
- COMPLETE ISSUE (Courtesy of the American Museum of Natural History, the Biodiversity Heritage Library, and the Smithsonian Libraries).
Download: Size, 5.34 MB - PubMedCentral (PMC)—US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
Link: Issue 4 (Volume 3, no. 1) - Cover Page.
Download: Size, 27.7 KB - Administration.
Download: Size, 143 KB - Contents (Back Cover).
Download: Size, 104 KB - Words from the Editor. Craig Hassapakis. Page: 1 (e14b).
Size, 32.3 KB - Authors. Page: 1.
Download: Size, 32.3 KB - The conservation status of the herpetofauna of Honduras of the herpetofauna of Honduras. Larry David Wilson, James R. McCranie. Pages: 6–33 (e12).
Download: Size, 957 KB - The herpetofauna of the cloud forests of Honduras. Larry David Wilson, James R. McCranie. Pages: 34–48 (e13).
Download: Size, 228 KB
Venezuela (No. 3) | Volume 2, Number 2
- COMPLETE ISSUE (Courtesy of the American Museum of Natural History, the Biodiversity Heritage Library, and the Smithsonian Libraries).
Download: Size, 4.94 MB - Cover Page.
Download: Size, 17.4 KB
- Administration.
Download: Size, 60.7 KB - Contents Page. Page: 3.
Download: Size, 129 KB - Words from the Editor. Craig Hassapakis. Page: 40 (e11).
Download: Size, 162 KB - Authors. Page: 40.
Download: Size, 162 KB - Distribution, species-richness, endemism, and conservation of Venezuelan amphibians and reptiles. Jaime E. Péfaur, Juan A. Rivera. Pages: 42–70 (e10).
Download: High Res, 6.41 MB | Low Res, 4.10 MB
Madagascar and New Caledonia (No. 2) | Volume 2, Number 1
- COMPLETE ISSUE (Courtesy of the American Museum of Natural History, the Biodiversity Heritage Library, and the Smithsonian Libraries).
Download: Size, 5.23 MB - Cover Page.
Download: Size, 21.8 KB - Administration.
Download: Size, 70.6 KB - Contents Page. Page: 3.
Download: Size, 129 KB - Words from the Editor. Craig Hassapakis. Page: 4 (e6).
Download: Size, 130 KB - Authors. Page: 4.
Download: Size, 130 KB - Commentary on conservation of "Sokatra," the radiated tortoise (Geochelone radiata) of Madagascar. Ronald A. Nussbaum, Christopher J. Raxworthy. Pages: 6–14 (e8).
Download: Size, 1.57 MB - Extinction and extinction vulnerability of amphibians and reptiles in Madagascar. Christopher J. Raxworthy, Ronald A. Nussbaum. Pages: 15–23 (e7).
Download: Size, 1.41 MB - New data on the distribution, status, and biology of the New Caledonian giant geckos (Squamata: Diplodactylidae: Rhacodactylus spp.). Aaron M. Bauer, Ross A. Sadlier. Pages: 24–29 (e9).
Download: Size, 903 KB - The United States role in the international live reptile trade. Craig M. Hoover. Pages 30–31 (e9b).
Download: Size, 219 KB - Lizards of the Caribbean: Ecology, evolution and plate tectonics. Book Review by Brian A. Maurer. Page: 32 (e9c).
Download: High Res, 2.83 MB | Low Res, 219 KB - News and Notes. Pages: 33–34 (e9d).
Download: Size, 216 KB - The Last Page. Page: 35 (e9e).
Download: Size, 119 KB
Premiere (No. 1) | Volume 1, Number 1
- COMPLETE ISSUE (Courtesy of the American Museum of Natural History, the Biodiversity Heritage Library, and the Smithsonian Libraries).
Download: Size, 2.81 MB - Cover Page.
Download: Size, 12.9 KB - Contents Page.
Download: Size, 360 KB - Editorial. Craig Hassapakis. Page: 28 (e0).
Download: Size, 118 KB - The elucidation of amphibian declines: are amphibian populations disappearing? Jamie K. Reaser. Pages 4–9 (e1).
Download: High Res, 6.66 MB | Low Res, 486 KB - Rattlesnake roundup in Kansas: a brief history. David L. Reber, Alison Smith Reber. Pages: 10–14 (e2).
Download: High Res, 6.29 MB | Low Res, 444 KB - Effects of timber harvesting practices on peaks of otter salamander (Plethodon hubrichti) populations. Joseph C. Mitchell, Jill A. Wicknick, Carl D. Anthony. Pages: 15–19 (e3).
Download: High Res, 5.86 MB | Low Res, 456 KB - Population biology and herpetological conservation: a cautionary note. Andrew Storfer. Pages: 20–23 (e4).
Download: High Res, 3.54 MB | Low Res, 249 KB - Herpetofauna in the wildlife trade and nature. Allen Salzberg. Pages: 24–26 (e5).
Download: Size, 3.78 MB - News and Notes. Pages: 27–28.
Download: Size, 209 KB - Erratum Sheet. Separate sheet published after journal was produced.
Download: Size, 51.8 KB